Tricks How to Earn When You Have a Loan

in money •  6 years ago 

Hi, dear guys!

Lots of things happened during this month. All my family members and I were really under the weather, so lots of power were used for staying healthy. Still undergoing my intensive education on Real Estate Investments as well as working on my first object, so am quite sorry for being silent for so long.

Enjoy one of my prepared articles, hope to stay at least at some level present here from now on.

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/Photo by Jf Brou on Unsplash/

Do you have a loan?

Then great and valuable info comes to you in means on making your budget more efficient.

There are loans when you can return certain amount of money in advance, faster than it’s stated in your contract.

When you do so, the % which you would pay to the bank is “erased” and thus you so to say “gain” money by paying early.

Now comes the lifehack. 💪 When you consider buying anything, spend some time and calculate, how much money in bank % will you save if you rather invest that money in loan payment than buy the thing you wanted.

Now just for the whole picture you know that this thing you want to buy actually costs you “the price + the bank %”. And knowing that you can plan your budget more efficiently.

Good luck and stay wealthy!

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Great article, I believe you are talking about prepaying a loan early. This is always a great idea if possible. You will save a lot of money in interest. Thank you for sharing.

Great job !)

Great idea

very nice

awesome post, I am also in real estate and in giving out in loans and so far love doing both but so far loaning money does better and being my own bank.

Nice experience, thanks for sharing.

Очень надолго вы исчезли, Александра. Пусть у вас всё будет замечательно. Весеннего вам настроения и творческих успехов ))

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