Dao moving forward

in money •  9 years ago 

 “I don’t see us going anywhere though. I think we’re all too invested in the ecosystem and community to just walk away at this point.” — @auryn_macmillan, co-creator DAOhub.orgIf you had no idea what this DAO was about and were to only look at the slack channel you may get the impression that the community is split and everything is in chaos. This just isn't true. The truth is that there is a stoic like rationale among the majority of active community members towards this incident and towards DAO moving forward. Meaning everything has been kept in perspective, this isn't the end of Autonomy by a long shot.If you’re confused as to what’s happening in general, these 3 posts by @FelixA will help you to understand.

Because I was seeing a lot of chatter on the forum and slack one day, I decided to ask some of the most active community members that I follow on TheDAOHub these three questionsWhat are your most optimistic, pessimistic and balanced thoughts on this attack and the DAO moving forward?Here is a summary:The Good:My favorite takeaway from “The Good” side of this is that, it doesn’t seem that anybody with value to offer is going anywhere anytime soon. All of the talent that is working towards something didn’t let the attack dim their spirit. Most of the negative chatter, is just that, chatter. ETH is still doing fine and life is continuing.“we’ll get it all done perfectly and we upgrade, fix errors and for those who want to move on, we move to DAO 2.0” @iamtrillion gave us his most optimistic thought, a DAO.2.0 with fine tuned upgrades, and a more agile community! Let’s do that!The Bad:Governance, and code issues are two of the most discussed concerns . Not to mention, getting our ether back.“we need the eth community to stop freaking fighting one another, just not helpful at all.” @iamtrillion, Who made this comment towards a later question. When asked, what are your most pessimistic thoughts, he answered, “I don’t think like this at all.” Hows that for confidence moving forward?!“Am still formulating my thoughts. All I can say for sure is I wouldn’t invest in any further DAOs unless the governance issues are fixed, there is some kind of human safety mechanism…” @thecryptofiend is right on, especially now after this hiccup more DAO’s have popped up. Having accountable people, experts in their area, with rewards and stakes on the line goes a long way for democracy, public appeal and trust.“my biggest fear is that the community crashes or gets overrun by trolls. In that case we would need to stop this site.” @FelixA(co-creator of DAOhub) replied and then went into his more balanced opinion.The Balanced:I couldn’t put it better myself.“Yet I expect there are more than enough motivated members here, who are willing to continue their contribution into a new impróved DAO that implements rescue mechanisms.” @FelixA continued.“Balanced:With proper governance schemes applied, code improvements made, a DAO idea slowly gains its place among other blockchain technologies. Limited industry use.Rationale:Deficiencies in a DAO idea are numerous but possible to fix and overcome. With technology being reliable people will naturally follow.”@Hibryda weighs in. When I asked him to elaborate on the deficiencies and offer potential solutions, we got into a very interesting convo and he let me in on a solution he is working through now. Look forward to a whitepaper!“After a while of waiting to cool down and make sure code is up to snuff, the next iteration comes up. This one gets significantly less funding than the original, and takes a lot of shit from everyone, but its code is compliant with new standards, and it slowly makes a profit off a few good investments.” @beez puts it plainly lol“DAO 2.0 will iron out this and many weaknesses in the first real DAO. DAO is obviously a largely sought after technological goal considering the revenue it brought in. This will not stop.” @jeffanthony and the rest of the community are all looking ahead to the next solution.A DAO 2.0We don’t know when this will take place , but there are a few safe assumptions to make.

  • It will attempt to iron out code issues
  • It will work to solve governance issues
  • Less people will buy in, and that’s probably a good thing.

In conclusion, The DAO became so big so quick that the organization got a bit scattered and it’s hard for the developers to work hard while maintaining communications to the large community. But this community has showed resilience and hopefully there will be less and less of the idle chatter as the governance systems favor action. In good time.For what it’s worth, this is my most optimistic opinion,The community leans out, the new DAO takes form, some form of P2P democracy takes shape and the ones who stuck around and provide value gain immensely!What are your most optimistic, pessimistic, and balanced thoughts on the DAO moving forward? Share your thoughts, this post barely scratches the surface!To learn more about the hack and how you can help, go over to the DAO on slack and check out the #fork channel. Please don’t be part of the mindless chatter, instead really offer some value.Resources on The Governance Issue:Since the main reported issue, involved governance, here are some links to start exploring in regards to the hyper interesting subject that is digital governance.

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