RE: The Market Can Stay Irrational Longer Than You Can Stay Solvent

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The Market Can Stay Irrational Longer Than You Can Stay Solvent

in money •  8 years ago 

Very good post. I have been telling people for quite some time that the "Bitcoin Bubble" is a myth. The fact alone that people are referring to the purported bubble by the name of a single crypto-currency is indicative to the collective ignorance about the market as a whole, and renders their argument moot for various reasons.

I had not heard the phrase you mentioned in the title of your article before, but I like it. I'll have to borrow it in the future.

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Thanks, that is why I wrote this post. Everyone seems to like the phrase but many have not heard it. Yes, we are still in the infancy of crypto. There will be ups and downs but I don't see how BTC and others would go to zero. It's a part of our society now.