Robinhood Trading - Screws the Small Investor

in money •  4 years ago 

So... Here we go again; another FAKE motherfracker shows their TRUE colors.

Robinhood owners and founders, Baiju and Vlad have just violated their trust by freezing the buying of Game Stop stock.

This comes as the price the stock has been soaring in recent days, due to a heavy 'buy' from small time investors banning together in an attempt from keeping the stock from going 'short' , allowing the BIG guys to cash out after destroying Game Stop.

It is a situation worth keeping an eye on to see how it plays out. At this point, it appears that this malevolent move by Robinhood, is going to destroy 'them' in the short run.

Their APP has dropped to a one star rating in the App Store, and a class action law suit against the company has been filed in a District Court of New York.

Jan. 29, 2021 on
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