Welcome to How To Become A Credit Millionaire.

in money •  7 years ago 

Some years back, I did the typical thing any customer does. I got a job and started a small credit account at a favorite home stereo store. It wasn’t long before all kinds of credit of credit offers. And then bills were coming in the mail. The rest is history. I got in way over my head. I remember I talked it over with my elder sister, who seem to have everything she needed and wanted plus all then cards to get them, but without the stress of paying for them. She said you’re looking at it wrong. She said, never, ever use your credit for personal items. Use your Credit for business only. Make the money using it. Then spend the case you make. Then she said I will show you how to make your living and your fortune using credit.

“At the end of 6 weeks you will have.

A. Five Savings Account with $1500 each.
B. Five loans, UP to 36 months each and payment under $60
C. At least $1500 Still in cash, In a checking account at one bank

Which we will use to try to repair credit and boost your credit to R-1 status.”
And now, your new FICO score to a much higher lever. Using mathematical models, FICO score takes into account various factors in each of the five areas: payment history, current level of indebtedness, types of credit used and length of credit history and new credit in determining credit risk. This is the same Powerful Information, I will now show you. It will get you past that free piggy bank or free toaster mentality most banks and people have. To top lunching meetings with your banks and bankers. And guess what. They’ll pay for lunch. Finally, a Fool-Proof System That Makes Bankers JUMP to Lend You Millions.
Your Credit
No matter where you are in your finances, rich, poor, bad credit, good credit, this program will
help you learn to treat your credit as a vehicle to make money. And not as a consumer thrill ride.
Well I’d better stop here. But believe me, this information in my complete ebook is worth its weight in gold. This Credit System will help you achieve millions of dollars in loans... even if you
are starting with poor or no credit at all.
Credit Repair
You are here!
Ever get lost in a mall? If so, I’m sure one of the first things you did was look for the mall
directory with the red arrow that points to “YOUR ARE HERE”. So one of the first things you
should do before starting this process is get your credit report to see where you are and start
clearing errors now. Once a year your are entitled to a free credit report and you can get it
online and disputer or fix any errors you see right then and there.
And that’s where another great ebook comes in. It’s the long and the short to credit repair.
Please download and read Brett Bruce’s The Free Credit Repair Kit. It is Excellent Pre reading for
this process. Please read this ebook, follow it’s instructions, then continue with this process.
Your 12 month game plan
This 12 month process shows what you must do on a weekly basis to build a foundation for R-1
credit status and also improve your FICO score. It is necessary you read understand this report
well before any attempt at implementing it’s contents is undertaken. Your 12 month game plan
should also be mapped out on a weekly calendar chart. Please Note: To begin this plan without
a complete understanding of it applications is nothing less than foolish. So please read this
entire eBook before you start.
A. It must always begin on a Monday.
B. Week #1 of the plan cannot begin until all your bank accounts have been properly set
C. Use Main Bank Offices, Not Branches, If Possible.
D. Never use a bank where you have an existing account.
E. Always use cash when moving money from one bank to another. While setting up your
accounts. Never become involved in check kitting and you do not have to let your
bankers know what you are up to.
Now, you are ready to begin setting up your bank accounts#1 Through #6 You should allow yourself about two weeks to accomplish this. As you read this material you will see how the
instructions become clearer. Now, go and find six banks in your area that you would like to
be associated with. Try and pick banks close to your home or business as you will see why
later. Once this is accomplished you are ready to begin the two week process of setting up
your accounts.
The first five of these six accounts should offer day of deposit, day of withdrawal accounts
and allow you to borrow 100% of your savings. There are plenty of these banks out there.
The only concern with using a bank that only allows you to borrow a percentage of your
savings is you will need more money to begin your plan. For Example, If a bank lends 90% of
a savings account, you will need $1650 in savings to borrow $1500. If you have the extra
money, no problem. Otherwise, you will have to shop around for 100% loans on savings
banks. Also, find banks which have non prepayment penalties on loans for early payment.
This will be very helpful later on.
By the way, where will you get your startup money? When I started I didn’t have a dime.
That is until I heard someone say “ Pay yourself first” . At which point, I started squirreling
away 10% of my income each month in a savings account and then paid my bills. Before
long I had my $1500 start up money.
Now, back to the banks.
Although some banks on the west coast will lend money on savings account balance of $500
and $1000, these banks are hard to locate, and are usually back east. With $1500 you can
force negotiate a banker to loan you money on your savings account as means of
establishing your credit. This is usually a standard banking policy throughout the U.S.
If you are ever asked why you are not borrowing at your existing bank, just reply “service”.
Other banks like to hear that. Also, use your existing bank account as a reference bank
when establishing these new accounts.
Bank #1 Instructions
A. Place at least $1500 (cash only) in a day of deposit day of withdrawal savings account.
B. As soon as possible, Borrow $1500 from this bank using the savings account as
collateral. Important: at this time you should also make it clear to your banker, you do
not want to tie up your entire savings for the entire duration of your loan, that, as the
loan is paid down. You would like that amount of your savings collateral freed, to use at
your disposal. No credit check is necessary, for your loan is secured by your savings. This
process can take from four hours to two days, depending on the pace at the bank. I
personally had it done in under an hour.
C. The loan should be established from 30 to 36 months
D. You are entitled to 45 days between loan set up date and you first payment date, so
demand it. To make things run smoother use the same due date on all of your other
E. Don’t be concerned that your interest rate and you monthly loan payment amounts
differ at each bank. You just want to keep the monthly payments under $60 per month
per loan if possible.
F. When you receive your loan check, cash it at the issuing bank. It is a must you use cash
when opening all these accounts.
G. Never, Never, inform your bank or bankers what you are up to.
Bank #2, #3, #4 and #5 Instructions
A. In numerical order, go to banks #2 thru #5 and complete steps A thru G stated for bank
#1. Do not even attempt to work with more than one bank at a time.
B. As stated, allow about two weeks to set up your accounts.
C. Try to use the same payment date as that of bank #1. Under no circumstances are you
to use an earlier date than that.
Bank #6 Instructions
A. Place $1500 (cash) from the loan at bank #5 in a checking account at bank #6. It is from
this account you will be making your monthly payments to banks #1 thru #5.
B. To make things run smoother, consider the following. After you have identified the six
banks, go to bank #6 first, with $100 cash and place it in a checking account. Order
checks with your name, S.S. #, address, phone number and drivers license on them. Try
to get checks that start with something other than #101. During the two weeks it takes
for the checks to arrive, you will be setting up your first five accounts. And the extra
money in bank #6 will help with interest charge later on.
Only after the above is completed, are you ready to begin your 12 month program and weekly
game plan. To eliminate confusion throughout this plan. We will speak in terms of Week #1, #2,
#3, etc. and not to specific months. This is simply because each month has a different number
of days. So it is up to you to keep track of the weeks and months. On the very next Monday you
will being your actual process with week #1. After leaving bank #6 you will have the following.
A. Five savings accounts with $1500 in each.
B. Five loans, up to 36 months each and payment under $60 per month each.
C. $1500 still in cash, in a checking account at bank #6
Friday Instructions for Week #1
On Friday week #1 issue separate checks to banks #1 thru #5 for the first monthly payment for
each bank. Yes, It will not be due for about another 35 to 45 days, but this is an important step in the overall process, as you will soon see. You should deliver each check in person and insure
that it is credited that day. I can’t stress to you how important hand delivering your checks are.
People/Bankers at the bank will get use to seeing you each week. And there will be less
apprehensions, when you go for even bigger loans. Remember, always use main banks not
A. It is mandatory that cash be used when setting up your six bank accounts. Once they are
set up, it is perfectly legal to write checks to make your future monthly loan payments.
B. To use the cash in bank #6 for any other purpose, usually gets you into trouble. Of the
few times this plan has failed, it is usually because of insufficient funds, pulled from
bank #6, for some other personal uses.
Finally Instructions for Week #2, #3, #4, and #5.
On Friday of each of these weeks, you must issue separate checks to banks #1 thru #5, from
bank #6. Again, deliver the payments in person. These checks will represent payments #2, #3,
#4, and #5.
Friday Instructions for Week #6 and #7
You must leave the accounts alone during this time. Now, where do we stand? The following
chart illustrates a normal repayment schedule versus our accelerated repayment schedule. We
have used September 1 as the loan set up date and October 15 th as our first repayment date for
both examples. This takes into account the 45 days allowed before the first monthly payment is
Normal Repayment Date Payment Number Accelerated Repayment Date
Sept. 1, 200_ Set Up Date Sept. 1, 200_
Oct. 15, 200_ Payment #1 Sept. 7, 200_
Nov. 15, 200_ Payment #2 Sept. 14, 200_
Dec. 15, 200_ Payment #3 Sept. 21, 200_
Jan.15, 200_ Payment #4 Sept. 28, 200_
Feb. 15, 200_ Payment #5 Oct. 5, 200_
Although both repayment schedules have demanded the 45 day first payment delay, only the
accelerated repayment plan ignores the time frame and makes the first payment the very next
Friday. This step is a must in establishing an R-1 credit rating, 90 days paid in advance.
Under the normal Repayment schedule, the first payment is not paid until after the 45 day
grace period has elapsed. With this and the fact that only one payment per month is made, it is
not until Feb. 15 th that the fifth payment is made. This represents five months after the loan
was made.
Under the accelerated repayment schedule, the first payment is made on the first Friday after
your accounts have been opened and loans were made. Then, on each Friday for the next four
weeks, payments are made. As one can see, this causes the fifth payment to occur on Oct.12 th
in this plan versus Feb. 15 th under the normal plan. Soon after this occurs each bank will begin
reporting to your local credit reporting agency (TRW) that your loan is:
A. Paid 90 days in advance.
B. In good standing. This will cause the credit reporting agency to issue R-1 status, for each
loan as the banks report your status. Once this status begins to appear, it is up to you to
maintain it. This requires never being late with a monthly payment, without exception.
Otherwise, the bank may place a negative entry against that which you have worked so
hard to achieve.
Weekly Chart Instructions
Where do we stand so far?
Our Example uses the $50 payments per week, times five banks for a total of $250. This $250
per week times five weeks, payments total $1250. Because your weekly payment to each bank
will differ, you will need to make a chart so you can keep track of your first five weeks of
payments. Please make and use the following chart:
Bank #1 Bank #2 Bank #3 Bank #4 Bank #5 Weekly Totals
Weeks #1 $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______
Week #2 $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______
Week #3 $______ $______ $______ $______ $______ $______
Week #4 $______
Week #5 $______
Five Week
Use your chart to record your weekly payment to each bank for the first five weeks. It is
important to keep your payments for each week under $300, otherwise you have to add
additional funds to bank #6 to make payment #5. But that shouldn’t be a problem because
you’ve been “Paying yourself first and savings 10% income right?” Remember, you also have
your original $100 in Bank #6 in checking from when you opened it. The chart allows you to see
where you stand, money wise, after the first five payments to the first five banks. As you will soon see, the same situation will occur after payment #10 and #15.
Monday Instructions for Week #8
On Monday, of week #8, go to each of the first five banks and retrieve the amount of the total
payment made so far, to each bank. This represents $250 per bank times five banks for a total
of $1250. Although your amounts will differ, the five week totals from your weekly chart will be
close to this amount. However, The amount on your chart is what you must withdraw, In any
event. Place this amount collected from the first five banks into your checking account at bank
#6. This amount, along with the remaining balance still in your checking account will be about
$1500 minus any interest or bank charges. Now, you can continue with your plan. You will be
able to access these funds because you have a day of deposit, day of withdrawal accounts.
Never allow the bank to misunderstand you and close your account or your loans. Now, for the
next 2 and ½ months you will be making your monthly payments to each bank at the rate of
about two payments per month per bank.
Friday Instructions for Weeks #9, #10, #11 and #12
A. During weeks #9 and #11, you must again issue five separate checks from bank #6, for
banks #1 thru #5. This represents payments #6 and #7.
B. During weeks #10 and #12, All your accounts should be left alone.
During week #12 you should begin your plan to obtain new credit cards. First, apply for a couple
of department store credit cards that you currently don’t have. Use your current loan status at
the five banks for reference. Upon receipt of your department store cards, charge something
that you do need and can afford to pay off in full in one month. Then wait for the bills to arrive.
A. When your bills arrive, pay the entire amount of ach bill, plus $5 more. This will
maintain your account in active status with a positive credit balance.
B. Months later you can use these also as a positive credit reference. The department store
will only be allowed to state your account is in good standing with a positive credit
balance. The amount can not legally be disclosed. And few credit managers will risk his
or her job to give out such information.
C. If you charge on your department store account during the same time that you use it for
a credit reference, you are taking an unnecessary chance. Personally, I would not use
these cards at all accept for credit reference.
A few weeks after paying your first department store cards, apply for a couple of gasoline credit cards. Your references again will be your five bank loans and now, your new department store
credit cards. With regards to the gasoline store cards, follow the exact instructions that you use
with the department store cards. Note: Do not apply for a gasoline card you had once before
and lost. It will seldom prove successful. Also, care must be taken, not to let your working with
your cards, interfere with the ongoing process of your five existing at your banks.
Friday Instructions for Weeks #13, #14, #15, #16, #17 and #18
A. During weeks #13, #15 and #17 you must again issue separate checks to banks #1 thru
#6. This represents payments #8 #9 and #10.
B. During weeks #14, #16 and 18 the accounts should be left alone.
Friday Instructions for Weeks #19
A. It is necessary for you to follow the same instructions offered in week #8 of this plan.
Note: All future payments will convert to once a month per bank.
Friday Instructions for Weeks #20, #21, #22, #24, #25 and #26
A. Leave the accounts alone. (notice the one week omitted above).
Friday Instructions for Week #23
On Friday issue separate checks to banks #1 thru #5 from bank #6.
Additional Information For Obtaining Credit Cards
It’s week #23 and again, It’s time to work with credit cards. Around this week, the five banks
where you have loans should begin to issue their credit cards to you. If not, just apply, you
more than qualify by now. It is best if you can obtain individual credit cards with due dates of
the: 6 th , 12 Th , 18 th , 24 th and 30 th . Although it’s not mandatory. These dates will be important,
when you begin the process of pyramiding yourself to a $1,000,000 line of credit. The preceding
dates are six days apart. Which allow you to work with one card per week per bank. This will be
especially important, when you start adding credit cards.
For example: You would make the due date for a new card from bank #7 the same due date of
the 6 th , as the credit card at bank #1. Now, you have two cards with the same due date for that week.
And a new card from bank #8 the same due date of the 12 th , as the credit card at bank #2. Now,
you have two cards with the same due date for that week.
And as you add credit cards, so on and so on.
Upon receipt of all cards from banks #1 thru #5, pull 90% of each cards limit and place it into a
savings account at bank #6. Do not mix it with funds, you have in checking for your five loans.
Pull the funds on a Friday and allow the funds to sit with the following instructions.
A. Keep the money one week.
B. On the following Friday, pay each card in full with cash. You should not have any interest
charges, because you are paying the cards in full, inside of one month.
C. On the following Friday repeat steps A. thru B.
D. This process should continue for at least thirteen repayments or 26 weeks. About 6
months. Under this plan of repayments you will wait about 9 months before your first
bank card increase is offered. However, this time frame can be reduced, by using the
Follow the instructions of A, B, and C, until the first credit card statement arrives. Then
take a look at your statement and figure out how long it takes the bank to credit your
payment after you have paid in cash. The point is, two days after your payment is
credited, you can pull 90% of your cards’ funds again. Also, you need to keep the money
a few days and not a full week as stated in “A”. So it is now possible to pull 90% of your
funds and repay them. almost 8 times per month. Note: the more times per month you
use and repay your bank cards, the quicker the computers will grant an increase on your
card limits. Usually, this may occur in as little as 4 to 5 months for each increase. Do not
feel that your plan will fail if you fail to receive all five cards at first, or if you don’t get an
increase on all five cards at the same time. Just remember: Always use 90% of the
available credit card limit funds. If possible, use branch banks not main banks where you
have your five loans, to transact your credit card business. Although not mandatory, this
will help you avoid any unnecessary questions from nosey tellers. Important: Just
remember, before you start with step “A” above, to make sure you have a card or a
letter of decline from all five banks. Yes, your plan will run smoother if you start with all
five cards, at the same time, but only because it’s easier to monitor. If a new card or an
increase comes at an irregular time, you will just have to keep track of it on its’ own
Once you have completed your program with success, you will have more than enough knowledge to design this pan for yourself. Add more cards as needed and raise your
credit limits to unbelievable heights. Just be sure that each card status is paid in full on
its’ due date.
Now back to your five bank loans:
From our last week instructions, week #23, your payments shifted to one payment per
month per bank. This represents week #23 and payment #11. Follow the same once a
month pattern for weeks #27 thru #40. I know this looks confusing, but, if you’ll look
back at your instructions for #20 thru #26, it will all become clear. Week #23 was your
only active week. All other weeks, up to week #26, accounts were left alone. And now,
we are at week #27 thru #40. These weeks compose months #7, #8, #9 and #10 and
represent payments #12, #13, #14 and #15 of your plan. Once again, it is necessary that
you map out these weeks and make scheduled payments on the Fridays of:
A. Week #27 make payment #12 to all five banks from bank #6.
B. Week #31 make payment #13 to all five banks from bank #6.
C. Week #35 make payment #14 to all five banks from bank #6
B. Week #39 make payment #15 to all five banks from bank #6.
Except for the weeks Fridays in the above list, all other weeks during this period, you must
leave your accounts alone. After your payments for week #39 are made, you will have again
exhausted most of your funds in bank #6.
Friday instructions for Week #40 this should be about month #9.
A. At this time you will close all five bank loans.
B. Go to bank #1 and request that your loan be paid in full. Pull the remaining funds form
your saving account at that bank to accomplish this. There will be more than enough
C. In numerical sequence repeat this process at the other four banks.
D. The additional funds in each of the five bank accounts plus the remaining funds in bank
#6 should equal your original loan amount minus any interest charges, set up fees or
prepayment fees. Which is a small price to pay for what you can accomplish.
Additional Information
A. This plan is not effective if stopped in less than 7 months.
B. As you can see, while working within the law it is possible to build a credit empire using
your own money.
C. Important: After you have closed all five loans, it is important that you do not apply for
a new bank loan for at least 31 days.
D. Once you have completed our plan, there should be no more credit checks, interviews
or forms to fill out at any of the five banks where you have established loans. Keep
copies of every form you fill out at a bank and use the same information for future loans
and dealings with that banks.
So where do you go from here?
A: Apply for 40 different bank cards by mail do not be surprised when they come.
B. Go back to the same banks and request larger loans. Don’t be surprised when they are
granted and with no collateral.
C. Apply for travel and entertainment credit cards. Dinner’s Club, American Express, Carte
Blanche and others. These cards give credit limits up to $25,000 and more.
D. Begin a corporation and find out about compensating balances. Control $100,00 in cash
with only $10,000 in the bank.
E. Check into reserve checking accounts, which ar not considered loans.
F. Consider 200 VISA card with $2000 to $5000 limits per card.
If you plan to start a business, option “B” is the only real viable way to raise your credit limits to
what you will need at startup.
If you have a business venture in mind, now is the time to consider what you need for startup
capital. Consider asking for a line of credit at each of the five banks where you had your loans.
After all, you have a strong foundation now. The problem is that most banks and/or bankers
won’t make a large loan or any loan unless the loan is secured in some way. (Hence the $1500
startup money). But there are other ways to make a bank feel secured about loaning you their
money. It’s called the risk Vs. reward factor. Part of which is what got you here in the first place.
There was very little risk because you put up the money.
One of the areas of business you hear very little about is the housing industry. No, not the
consumer housing markets where you flip the house. I’m talking about Apartment complexes,
Rentals, Hotel, Motel, Bed and breakfast suites. For some reason banks and bankers consider all
these ventures to be low risk in nature. If you think about it, it’s not hard to figure out why.
Apartment complexes, Condo unit rentals, people will always need a place to live. And most will rent a place or lease a place before they buy one in some form or another.
Hotel Motel Bed and breakfast suites, Travelers will always need a place to sleep. And people
spend one/third of their lives sleeping.
Other reasons are, they are real properties that are commercial in nature. Which gives the bank
a potential source of revenue to fall back on if you default. Commercial loans and consumer
loans are two different animals. Just watch the difference in attitudes when you aply for a
commercial loan Vs. Consumer.
When you borrow from a bank for your boat, car or even your house. A consumer loan. The
bank will rely solely on you maintaining your personal income for repayment. This is not a bad
thing, everybody needs a loan from time to time. But the banks are more scrutinizing when it
comes to consumer loans. If you default they get stuck with a personal car boat or home to sell
in order to recoup from your loan.
So start thinking commercial loan. Figure out what business you want to start and start it.
I chose to start with two small Triplex apartment buildings. My point is what ever
Industry you choose. You can pyramid your credit to millions using this system over and over
again. And start what ever business you like.
Thank You,
Building Your Pyramid to Millions.
Where do I go from here?
A. Apply for 40 different bank cards by mail do not be surprised when they come back.
B. Go back to the same banks and request larger loans. Don’t be surprised when they
are granted , and with no collateral.
C. Apply for travel and entertainment credit cards. Dinner’s Club, American Express, Carte
Blanche and others. These cards give credit limits up to $25,000 and more.
D. Begin a corporation and find out about compensating balances. Control $100,000 in
cash with only $10,000 in the bank.
E. Check into reserve checking accounts, which ar not considered loans.
F. Consider 200 new VISA card with $2000 to $5000 limits per card.
To be perfectly honest I feel that every one of these is a true viable option. However, in my
opinion it’s to early in the game to use any of these options except for “B”. you have a
foundation all right but a very weak one at best.
Remember, you still have your original $1500 in cash you started this with. Plus you 10% per
month in savings! And $100 in checking at Bank #6 minus any interest charges, set up fees or
prepayment fees.
With options “B” above, after 31 day, you can go back to the banks #1 thru #5 and ask for even
larger amounts in loans. However, I recommend, asking for the same amount $1500, only this
time with no collateral, on just your signature alone. You are in very good standing with each
bank and because of your weekly visits, your chance of receiving your requested amounts are
much greater. However, if you are ever asked what you are going to do with the money, just
reply “make an investment”. For you are investing in your future credit. If for some reason you
are declined. Simply borrow again, against what you have in savings and continue with your
process. It may take more time to win trust at that particular bank . Just remember, when ever
you do succeed at your first signature loan, to ask for twice as much money the next time and
any future time you use this process. And make all future loans with just your signature alone.
If you are asked about collateral. List your furniture, a paid off car or something like that.
Upon receiving your loan checks cash them the issuing banks. If every thing went ok, you now
have $7,500 in cash. Now, go and locate five other banks in your area and in numerical order
Banks #7, #8, #9, #10 and #11 open five savings accounts $7,500 each and Five loan accounts
$7,500 using your savings at each bank as collateral. After leaving bank #11 you will have the
A. Five savings accounts with $7,500 in each
B. Five loans, up to 36 months each or even longer if you can for the lowest possible
B. Five more loans, up to 36 months each or longer if you can for the lowest possible
C. Your original $1500 in cash, you started with plus now 10% per month in savings!
D. $100 in checking at Bank #6
C. $7,500 still in cash, in a checking account at bank #6.
Just start over using the same process for ten banks now, you used for five. Start with Week #1
Instructions Thru Week #40. Continue this process of adding banks and accounts to meet your
million dollar goal. Or just work with ten. Wouldn’t it be great to have ten lines of credit for
#100,000,000 each at 10 major banks? Well you can! You now have the means to build a credit empire. How you protect it is up to you.
Note: It is not completely necessary to continue adding banks or accounts to use this process.
Some may be very comfortable, with just five banks and five lines of credit. Just remember,
when ever you do succeed at your first signature loan, to ask for twice as much money the next
time and any future time you use this process. And make all future loans with just your
signature loan.

I do not provide personal investment advice and I am not a qualified licensed investment advisor. I am an amateur investor.
All information found here, including any ideas, opinions, views, predictions, forecasts, commentaries, suggestions, or stock picks, expressed or implied herein, are for informational, entertainment or educational purposes only and should not be construed as personal investment advice. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies.

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