RE: In A World Of Negative Interest Rates Time Has No Value

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In A World Of Negative Interest Rates Time Has No Value

in money •  5 years ago 

Oh yeah it's nutty. My kids all had about 100 dollars in their piggy banks, and my family was telling me I should open a bank account for each of them, and I was like why? Most banks now charge a FEE to have your money if you have under a certain to the tune of 1k-5k. The fee is like $35 a month.


Gone are the days a child can happily skip to the bank and deposit their first $20 in hopes of saving more and making a tiny bit of interest. That money would be gone by the first month with these ridiculous fees.

I asked them if they wanted to invest in crypto and they said yes. Now each of them has their own crypto portfolio, and since investing, they have gained 30% on their initial investments. Can't do that in a bank yo!

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Sucks that you cant even keep it in your piggy bank because you’re losing value throguh inflation!

You’re a cool mum teaching your kids important financial lessons

What you can also do is store your crypto with Celsius network im using it right now and i get 3.7% interest on my BTC and its compound unterest paid weekly

Its a reallt simple app to use and you get weekly emails with info on your interest payments

Irs also an adjustable interest rate so ive had it go up to 4.5 on BTc while other cryptos like DASH you can get even more