Profiting and Growing Instagram Pages

in money •  8 years ago 

Instagram Tycoon

Today I am going to be discussing on how I used Instagram in order to create an automated stream of revenue which I use to make the monthly payments on my 2011 BMW 335D ($500 Monthly Payment).  Not only do I make enough to cover my car payment every month, it’s growing every month allowing me to reinvest and create more and more revenue I use it to grow my account and create & automate more accounts. The awesome part about this method is you can get started with $0.00 or you can get automated for $50, most people can afford to invest small amounts specially for these huge returns.

Content Rules

The most important about Instagram is the content you post, instagram is famous for the virus of reposting and twenty accounts all posting the same shit. Nobody wants that, why would they follow you when you are just another copy and paste instagram. I am a firm believer in unique content for my luxury niche I use Luxury Rental Sides and Listings, so that I can create detailed captions and background behind each photo I post. 
As you can see in the photo above I make sure each one is HD and a true quality photo, these photos aren’t the common reposted. I would recommend searching through google when you have free time and gathering photos, real photos use websites, subreddits, even forums! I try to have at least 3 posts planned out at a time, just incase I don’t have time to come up with something on the spot. 

Hashtags & Consistency

Why Hashtags? Hashtags will help categorize your posts and make it easier for people to fine, based on this research I found the most efficient number of hashtags is 7 you can go up to 30 but at the point it will just look spammy.  I actually use just three on my posts because I like to keep it clean. For my luxury niche I use the most popular #LuxuryLifeStyle #LuxuryVillas #LuxuryCars this is because they are most simple and all have decent traffic. Now you may be wondering why I chose LuxuryVillas instead of LuxuryHouses its because its smaller which means less competition and since my account is still under 100k I will have a chance of reaching top even though I am smaller because there is less competition. 

So here is the steps I used to research the ones I chose

  1. Make a list of every hashtag that could possibly go with your niche.
  2. Type each one in individually, and look at the three things discussed above.
  3. Determine which have the best engagement, cleanest content, and best ROI.
  4. Figure out which are your best 10-30 hashtags.
  5. Use those, customizing each post with hashtags that go along with your post.

Final Note on HashTags Post them as a Comment In order to keep your post CLEAN!


So many people think that posting 1-2 times a day is enough. IT’S NOT!
But why? Instagram is a global platform. You are reaching people on all timezones across the world. So, if you post only at 8am, and 6pm, you are missing out on the views of everyone else, all over the world.

Not only that, but even within your timezone, not everyone is on at the same time. You have to be consistent with your posting. Not only does it allow more people to see your content, it also shows people you are serious about what you are doing, and establishes major credibility.

We post 4-6 times every day on each of our accounts. Which, is nearly 100 posts a day across all of our pages. If we only posted once a day, that is ¼ to ⅙ of the exposure that we are currently getting. Being consistent make a huge difference in growth.

Engagement Groups + Explore Page

    Now this is going to teach you the real trick to growth, engagement groups what this is a group full of other IM and Stat IGs who are looking to grow their account. What you do is drop your name in a round and you basically exchange likes with everyone else who drops their name you will be given a list of people and told to like their most recent post realize that there could be 100-1000 people participating in a round so if you try to do this by hand it will get very tiring but again very capable.  The group I use is BoostLikes and the app they use is Telegram which is both mobile and desktop application. 

So how it works when a round starts there is a twenty minute drop period usually which gives everyone to put there @instagram_name, once the round closes you will be given an option to pick how you want the list 
  • Mass Planner is where you just get the username
  • Follower Liker places an @ in front of the username
  • DM list gives you the @ and gives them short lists so you can copy and paste them into your dm’s and like it manually.

There is also a third option which is what I personally recommend it will drop your name automatically in the chat for the 4 largest rounds that being 9 AM, 12PM, 3PM, 6PM all of which are eastern time.

With Each one of thtese netting you 500-750 likes per round, let’s do some basic math

4 Rounds a Day x 625 likes a round x 30 days a month = $25/Total Likes = Like Cost

That will leave us at .0003 per like, these are real accounts that will actually help your growth, not some fake arab or chinese instagram accounts that don’t provide anything but a boosted number. Now the guy who provides the bot also has an instagram service it is more expensive than a lot of the other ones out there but the quality and service is unmatched half way the through trial week I am already at 1500 Followers and it only scales as you get larger.

I am going to leave his information down below, again he didn’t pay me to post this but I am trying my best to help make sure you succeed with your instagram account. There is no reason you can’t build an side income like the $500 Monthly I am generating this will take time but unlike most ebooks and methods you have read this will actually work.

(AVG GAINS: 100-400 DAILY / 750-3000 WEEKLY)

$20 - 2 weeks
$35 - 4 weeks or 1 month (Save $5)

After Trial

After trial, we switch over to our End-Result Packages

Only pay for what you know you will GET!

👉🏻 Growth service until 500 Real/Targeted followers gained = $30
👉🏻 Growth service until 1K Real/Targeted followers gained = $55 (Save $5)
👉🏻 Growth service until 5K Real/Targeted followers gained = $275 (Save $25)
👉🏻 Growth service until 10K Real/Targeted followers gained = $500 (Save $100)

His Telegram is @Mikey_Money

Where does the cash come from?
Treating Instagram like a business is one of the most important things you need to do if you want to have success online.

Now the question is: How do I build a business by using Instagram?
The first step into creating a full sustainable business on Instagram is that you need to create a business model where you layout your different income streams and what you need to do to get them.

The first and easiest income stream on Instagram is Brand deals or Shoutouts​. The idea here is that someone pays you to get exposure on your page. The bigger your account is, the more you can charge. 

The second way is by selling Affiliates​. All you have to do here is push a product/service that will help your audience and you will make a commission every time they buy.

The third way is by selling your own Products or Services​. This is by far the best way to do it because you get to keep all the revenue for yourself. Now that you know how to generate revenue with Instagram we strongly encourage you to make it happen regardless of the amount of followers you have. You can literally run an Instagram business from anywhere in the world ;)

My personal recommendation is to avoid Shoutouts because it kills engagement on your profile you want to start with affiliates but work towards building your own brand, service, or product that will allow for the most profit and reliability. I would only do shoutouts if you are in desperate need of cash or can get an extremely good amount from it. The marketplace I use is Hi Market and HackForums and Instagram Directly.

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Ive always wondered how that worked, do you have an example of one of your instagram accounts?

@bitcoinluxury I am going to be creating another one that is focused on investing and business, I also plan to create a youtube channel to go along with it.

But the instagram is @bitcoinluxury