RE: Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression?

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Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression?

in money •  8 years ago 

I fully agree with You Peter !
( this will be the 1st time we agree on someting isn´t ? :) :) :) )

I even think is has been planned for years . the beauty is that Donald Trump will be Blaimed for the MOAC ( mother of all crisises ) how else could someone like him be a president ?

I agree on all points in your article and have been warning my close friends for the last few years . The MOAC will come and it will hit hard .... For the moment i am gathgering more and more cryptocurrency as i think they will keep value and/or Raise in value and have more real life use (e.g buying Bread on the corner with it when fiat money is worthless )

Look at this frontcover of the economist magazine from 1988 ... about a worldcurrency... If you look closely there´s much symbology here ... there is phoenix rising from burning Dollarcash... if you look closely the phoenix is wearing a coin around its neck... and the coin has the year ....... 2018 ... written on it !!
"They" have been planning a world wide currency for a long time now .... but how did " they " predict it would happen in 2018 ? also on top of the phoenix head , it as an Archaic fluer-de-lis .. a symbol that stands for a triangle ..... sounds familair ??

Luckily there is a Dumb ass at the leader of the " free" world and he will burn down with the crisis and get he blaim of it ( as planned ) ..

I really hope that the future will show that all the above text is paranoia crap and that i am full of shit because the last thing i want for me , my loved ones and the rest of hunanity is a Big Crisis .. but ............

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