Your Network is Your Net Worth

in money •  9 years ago 

Good morning friends! 

Empower your day by doing something to uplift yourself and affirm your choices even if that includes making a different one! Power is in a decision to be do and have what you want in life! Whatever it is that you choose make toward what you want and in alignment with moving you closer toward your dreams! Turn your back on everything else...that is the power you have in decision!

It is actually much harder and complicated and difficult to fail than it is to succeed. We are built for success and designed for achievement! It's the most natural thing on earth to succeed to our fullest potential. In fact it takes years (about 6-10 of our first years of life) to 'program' us to fail because we are so hardwired for success. If you happen to be programmed for failure there is hope! I used to have extremely low self-confidence due to various factors in my formative years, but my life changed the day someone who I looked up to told me that I was capable of more than I believed and that they believed in me. 

I started to challenge the beliefs I held on to about myself and saw that the limitations were all illusions in my mind. I started to network with influential people in my city, and soon realized that my network is my net worth.

Here's a pic with Mohammed, the Consul General for Qatar who invited me to the National Qatar Day event.

I was also invited in his home for Thanksgiving dinner with his wonderful family. I'm so grateful and thankful for the relationships that I've built over the past two years, and all it took was a tiny little push from one human being.

Words have power. Make sure you use them to the best benefit of everyone.

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