If you need another reason to hate government....

in money •  8 years ago 

(Hate is a strong word!)


They are committed to ensuring that NO REAL AMERICAN can ever profit! Kiss it, Feds! When Sept 8 markets open, you will perhaps see $5 BITCF!

Legal way to make big bucks off of marijuana without having to grow it, sell it, hustle it or smoke it!

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So did you have money invested in this? Just curious. Usually if the SEC gets involved it ain't pretty.

Yes. Over 11,000 shares. I'm curious to see what unveils, but I bought in at $.03/share. So, I also hold SING, CIIX, BTSC, THMG and a handful of others. THMG is a local junior miner. Supporting the local fellows! The C-stocks make me want to make money, make me want to run away, make me want to invest only in junior miners (but that can blow up, they're a lot of fly-by-night ops). No, it usually isn't good. I was involved with the SEC in the last economic crash. Perhaps a sign of things to come?

I'll update as is possible. Glad to be only a mere shareholder this time.

Wow. I hope it all works out for you. I have some juniors myself. But have been contemplating getting out of the rigged game that is the stock market and dumping everything into steem power or crypto in general.

I'm not going to lose sleep over it. They just perpetuate distrust in the system as nosium! I am having many of the same ideas. Many all-in crypto moments.