Will Self Isolation Bring About Self Realisation?steemCreated with Sketch.

in money •  5 years ago 

Hey JessIsolated

Now that most the world is starting to be locked down by their governments because they decided to follow the communist party in Chinas measures to fight the virus, we're seeing economies grind to a halt. Really? Is the world really going to take advice out of Chinas playbook? To me, it's obvious that we're all in communist states we just did not know it yet.

They're using fear to control the people and speaking to different people at home and around the world, they're willing to believe anything their government says. I swear if they said licking the president's arse would cure you, people would be lining up to tickle his chocolate starfish.

Quarratine contemplation

People are now at home sitting in contemplation about what to do next and I hope they use this time to realise how their governments are screwing them. The majority I doubt will give it a second thought they'll just sit around and watch the world burn around them and have no clue what is going on, waiting for the next batch of instructions.

While this is your choice it pains me to say that those who want to exercise a different choice are being attacked. People are saying going outside you should be criminally liable, accused of attempted murder, this is absolutely ridiculous.

It seems the narrative of accepted automatism is starting to stick and the people will buy into anything that is "for the greater good" even if it strips away your value, wealth and freedom because hey at least you're not the only one suffering, is the idea they are trying to portray to keep you docile and cooperative.

Image source: - chatelaine.com

The Cash Ban Is Coming

If you've followed by blog in the past you'll know in the various facets how in the shitter the world economy is and has been since before 2008 and it was never really corrected with fiscal and monetary policy.

The virus has come at a pretty convenient time for the world governments as the system begins to fall apart, cryptocurrency is starting to grow and provide an alternative they cannot control and without control of the money how will political control fair? I assume not very well.

Fiat is dying each day and the debt bubble is massively unsustainable, they inflating it, even more, to "take care of the vulnerable" at the expense of everyone but the real goal here is to move to a cashless society.

We already see countries like:

  • France prohibit transactions over 1000 Euros
  • Spain legally prohibits transactions above 2500 euros
  • Italy legally prohibits cash transactions over 3000 euros
  • Australia is looking to push a ban on cash transactions over 10 000 AUD
  • India has eliminated 86% of physical cash by banning popular denominations
  • The ECB ended production in the 500 Euro note in 2018
  • WHO calls for stopping use of Cash during the outbreak

Do you think these are all coincidences or are they slowly moving the goalposts? Think about this 3000 Euros or 10 000 AUD might seem like a lot but at the rate at which money printing is done how long before these are average transactions and people will be banned from using cash altogether and forced into the draconian surveillance capitalism of centrally controlled digital money.

I mean suddenly this virus has everyone up in arms and we have to print to save the economy? Seems all too coincidental to me.

Correcting the economy at the expense of the people

Then I came across some articles from the International Monetary fund and In a blog post on the IMF, they spoke about how to get negative interest rates to work and how deep negative interest rates can help fight a recession.

If central banks now have full end to end control over the cash they can implement negative interest rates into deep negatives like 3,4 or 5% and go against the laws of nature and incentives and start to artificially control the economy even more. They can then pull money from your wealth production to pay off the debts they created.

Banks can also say where it goes, to whom it goes, how much should be taxed, how it should be levied for fees, who can make what purchases, which products can be blacklisted from transactions and so many more sinister avenues of control. IT will NEVER be your money, you're just borrowing it from them, you effectively have no wealth.

Have your say

What do you good people of HIVE think?

So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, comment "I am a Jessie."

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People are now at home sitting in contemplation about what to do next and I hope they use this time to realise how their governments are screwing them.

They use this time to judge and criticize those who go out and post outdoor photos. This isolation will either make people wiser or dumber imho.

Sadly I think its going to be dumber, I already see people talking about arresting people for going outside and charging them with attempted murder.