How to write the next popular post

in money •  8 years ago 

Don't worry about what's making money

Don't spend time on the trending page trying to get an idea similar to what's already making a lot of money. These posts change quite often, new and original ideas get to trending everyday. So instead of trying to write about a topic that's popular now, write about the next popular topic.

Go for a walk

If you're like me and you've spent most of your time glued to Steemit, it's time to go for a walk. Clear your head of the thousands of post you've read, let go of the frustration that you're articles haven't been popular and relax. Think about something else, so that you can return to Steemit with a fresh mind.

Think 'You'

Spend some time focusing on your interests. What do you like to talk about? What topics did you have the best conversations on? What valuable information can you share?

Most of us don't realize that we have a lot of things to share that no one else knows. We all have different opinions and thoughts that could even influence other people and change their views. So think about what you think.

Get inspired, but stay original

There's nothing wrong with getting inspiration from other people's articles. It's actually pretty useful. By reading different posts you can figure out which type of writing you like and even realize that you had interests you didn't know about. But when you start writing, stay you. Make sure you bring something of yourself to the article, because no one else can do that. 

Stay cool

This is probably the hardest thing to do on Steemit. We're all humans, prone to jealousy and frustration, and seeing posts with tons of money whilst our great article has made none can be quite disappointing. But try really hard no to let these feelings take over you. If you look at most of the people who made a lot of money with an article, they also have dozens who made nothing. So keep cool and keep writing.

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Great post! You are right on point

Relax , be yourself .. thats why others are attracted to you in the first place .

Caps lock
Do not use it to much. ;)