FAKE News: This is for REAL!

in money •  6 years ago 

Dear Reader,

Over 40% of the S&P is in a bear market with further misery on the horizon, prolonging the agony during the worst month since the 2008 crisis. Uncertainty is really starting to set in. The question is why and what to expect…

I do believe that asset prices are high and deserve to correct, and I’ve written about it multiple times. Amazon, Facebook, and Tesla are three examples of companies that have outgrown their own fundamentals and have gotten themselves into a speculative bubble. But I do not believe that these last few weeks of volatility have been due to stock market fundamentals; it has more to do with midterm jitters and worries that the good might get derailed by a changing of the guard in Congress.

Just like the fake news of Hillary Clinton mopping the floor with Trump coming from all of the mainstream news outlets proved to be a sham, I think the blue wave talk will follow in suit.

It’s stemming from the politically-charged, anti-Trump media that conventional outlets are pummeling the newsfeeds with and the potential of a “blue wave.” As much as people like to hate on Trump, fundamentally, he made America an attractive place to do business again.

Minorities are experiencing record-low unemployment, African Americans broke a record in 2017 for how many took a vacation, billions of dollars are being repatriated, and when it’s all said and done, people are happy with what has happened fundamentally to inch America forward and not be stepped on by other countries.

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And if I am right on this and we don’t see a material change in the midterms, we will be at all-time highs in the stock market once again by Q2 of 2019. From there, we’ll see how much further things can actually go.

Trump has already commented on the risk of the Fed and how reckless action could be detrimental to the markets. As we are coming to find out, the “Powell Put” doesn’t exist. The Fed is backing off of the market and unwinding the balance sheet at unprecedented levels. The Fed has already raised rates three times in 2018, with another rate hike expected this year and a minimum of three more expected in 2019.

Having said that, this puts us in a place where we need to be prepared as individuals.

If you are looking to be bailed out by some sort of social safety net, it doesn’t exist. And I would encourage you to start treating the importance of your own future as such.

Expecting someone else to do something for you is nonproductive and is slippage of your future potential.

Just like a tree, if it’s not growing, it’s dying or dead. That’s how we are as humans. I don’t care if we are talking about a 3-year-old, someone in their midlife, or a senior in retirement.

Growth is essential:

  1. It’s essential for your mind.
  2. Growth is healthy for your body.
  3. It’s a must for financial peace.

Spend your time in real education. Billionaires Mark Cuban and Warren Buffett are reading for hours a day and learning. Why, you might ask? Because they want to grow, and knowledge is power.

Get your head into good content and take decisive action to move yourself ahead.

We are going to be speaking with one of the greatest visionaries and financial celebrities later on this week, digging in and discovering first-hand what it takes to grow from “Rich Dad” Robert Kiyosaki himself.

This interview will be a must for everyone, especially young people.

Something we’ve been warning about here at CrushTheStreet.com is exactly what IMF Chairwoman Christine Lagarde has been saying, and that is the younger generations may not recover! We know this is especially true with out-of-control asset prices and largely stagnant wages, and the idea that when all else fails, just borrow money to bury yourself in student loan debt and with a wing and a prayer, they’ll surface to the top of the rubble.

My goal here at CrushTheStreet.com is to give you an edge, and as long as this site is running, that is exactly what we will be doing.

Prosperous Regards,
Kenneth Ameduri
Chief Editor, CrushTheStreet.com

Legal Notice: This work is based on public filings, current events, interviews, corporate press releases, and what we’ve learned as financial journalists. It may contain errors, and you shouldn’t make any investment decision based solely on what you read here. It’s your money and your responsibility. The information herein is not intended to be personal legal or investment advice and may not be appropriate or applicable for all readers. If personal advice is needed, the services of a qualified legal, investment, or tax professional should be sought.  Never base any decision off of our emails.  Never base any decision off of our emails. Please use our site as a place to get ideas. Enjoy our videos and news analysis, but never make an investment decision off of anything we say. Please review our entire disclaimer at CrushTheStreet.com.

Original Article Available HERE

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