Fiat fantasy land: Protecting yourself from monetary meltdown

in money •  7 years ago 

Since Nixon removed the connection between the dollar and gold, we have suffered the three worst recessions since the end of World War II. This has also had an adverse effect on economic growth especially since our banking masters began manipulating our currency.

The truth is that fiat currency began collapsing in 1971 caused by the actions I have described above. If current trends continue, we have face a systematic fiat currency collapse some time in the future. Nobody knows precisely when. It could be next week or it could be in ten years. It is coming though. It’s up to you to take the necessary precautions to be prepared for this collapse.

The collapse is going to hurt a lot of people including many of your family and friends.

Western governments, and their citizens, have been living in an economic fantasy land for decades. Drowning in completely unsustainable personal debt, our dumbed down citizens are deluded and brainwashed into watching reality TV – not to mention the shameful worship of celebrities.

Now lets look at sovereign debt, the US national debt is currently $19.9 trillion (!!!!!). That is absolutely staggering. The overall national debt divided by the number of US tax payers equates to $165k per tax payer. This is just another example of the false, fake, fiat fantasy land we are living in. The debt is never going to be repaid of course. It will just keep rolling over until complete fiat currency collapse and you can bet your life that this collapse is coming.

As we know for sure that a collapse will come, how can we protect ourselves from it? Accumulating precious metals and crypto-currencies provide a strong protection mechanism against such an economic and financial meltdown. Here is a brief summary of what you can do to protect yourselves:

Accumulate gold and silves
Accumulate crypto-currency
Invest in precious metal mining shares
Store gold offshore
Accumulate an emergency backup fund of cash for when the ATM machines stop working
Look into “Prepping” and formulate a prepping strategy

I wish you the best of luck in creating protection strategy!

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