Loonie Falls Against Bitcoin 02/02/17

in money •  8 years ago  (edited)

Imagine one day realizing that the currency of your country is worth less than 0.0008 BTC

That is the reality I am facing. In 2017 you have to be crazy use the Loonie as a store of value.

2 Feb 2017 04:50 UTC - 2 Feb 2017 16:56 UTC
CAD/XBT close:0.00077 low:0.00077 high:0.00078

$1 CAD worth of Bitcoin in 2010 is now worth $24,303.07

July 25 2010 = 18.59924BTC = $1 CAD

I'm not great at math but that looks like a 99.9958% LOSS in Value.

The forecast isn't any brighter for the Canadian Dollar this year.

Greg Taylor, portfolio manager at LOGiQ Asset Management, told BNN in an interview that even though the Canadian dollar had a surprisingly good performance in January, the loonie will still move downwards this year.
"We've had a decent start to the year in the Canadian dollar and I think that's more of a function of some resetting of U.S. dollar expectations," he said. "But I still think the Canadian dollar is going a little lower this year."

Bitcoin is also outperforming Hedge Funds

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i think it is ending of 2014 or beginning of 2015 the bitcoin is around $ 200 US dollars, bitcoin rises from that time to the present value of $1000 US dollars, it may rise more and more in the future. Good information you have produced.