The Elite's Master Plan...

in money •  8 years ago  (edited)

I recently read a very interesting article written by Jim Rickards, a well known financial expert and consultant. He appears both on Mainstream News Channels, alternative media/YouTube as well as having his own financial press company. Today, I'd like to summarise some of the key points that he made in his report titled 'Secret events of the globe's financial elites:

There's 3 power groups + 6 types of elites
Power Groups:
(1) Economic
(2) Military
(3) Political

(1) Chief Execs
(2) Warlords (senior military officers)
(3) Corporate Rich (major investors)
(4) Celebrities
(5) Metropolitan 400 (notable families in major cities)
(6) Political Directorate (top government officials)
(note elites can be an amalgamation of more than one of the above)

The elites plan for us all
(1) World Money - (SDRs)
(2) World Taxation - (via 'climate change' i.e carbon taxes)
(3) World Government (IMF & G-20 Leaders - UN is merely a debating club)
(4) Cashless Society (in order to impose hidden taxation through negative interest rates & inflation)
(5) Debt Monitorisation ('Helicopter money' of 'People's QE' - if the individual refuse to borrow & spend then governments do it for them, covered by more bond issues hence larger deficits - enslaving us further)

Major Elite Players
(1) Robert Rubin - World's leading financial figure
(2) Christine Lagarde - MD of the IMF
(3) James Johnson - fairly unknown but former CEO of Fannie Mae
(4) James Wolfensohn - former World Bank president
(5) Robert Zoellick - former World Bank president + former US Deputy of State
(6) Michael Froman - held a joint appointment to National Security Council and National Economic Council
(7) David Lipton - Currently the First managing Director at the IMF (No. 2 at IMF)
(8) Timothy Geithner - Ex New York Fed Reserve president / US Treasury / CFR and Kissenger Associates.

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Thanks for the info. Most people regard this as conspiracy even though the evidence is all around us. I guess it is easier not to make the effort to see it. Let's hope the masses wake up on time. Countries that are not part of this system hopefully will succeed in stopping them. Upvoted.

It is not a pleasant world we live in that's forsure. I have added you to my Following. DR

Thanks digestingreality I have also followed and upvoted you.

I appreciate it and it's always good to get more followers and like minded people. DR

...I thought I already was LOL!!!

Lol 😂

Thanks R.A.A.I
Jim Rickards rubs shoulders with them so definitely no conspiracy!

Upvoted my friend. Great post filled with the most despicable individuals on the planet! DR

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Good post! I (usually hate the term Illuminati) it sort of dis empowers you in this day and age, and ties you in with the whole conspiracy theorist stereotype, that's how sophisticated these monolithic blood sucking vampires have become! i'll add you dasczecher!


I'm going to do some more posts on the subject but my main thing currently is precious metals and mining stocks.