in money •  7 years ago  (edited)

Screen Shot 2017-10-09 at 8.25.36 PM.png

Obviously, I was wrong at calling the top in bitcoin, it's aiming for the all time high again (only 5% left).

How high could it realy go in the next couple of months? What do you think?

Please check this chart, it was created 6 years ago.

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Looks promising. I believe it is going for new high soon.

It is not important how high could it go @dekanac, it is important it will go higher all along the existence of fiat currencies — that is, until IMF tries to replace them with fraudulent Special Drawing Rights (SDR) as a cryptocurrency.

Није важно колико @dekanac, важно је да ће ићи навише све док постоје фиат валуте — тј. док ММФ не покуша да их замени преварантским Специјалним правима вучења (СДР) у електронском облику.

Ja verujem da cemo za zivota videti $1=1 satoshi. Bas zbog tih SDR-ova i fiata kojih ima neograniceno.