8 ways to create passive income: from simple to the most difficult

in money •  6 years ago 

8 ways to create passive income: from simple to the most difficult

1. Keep money in the bank

If you expect to save or live on interest from the deposit, then open a deposit in a bank in a reliable currency. Most banks enter the state deposit insurance system to 1.4 million rubles, so choose a bank with the maximum percentage. If you want to put an amount of more than 1.4 million, then break up the deposits into several.

For example, if you postpone every month for only $ 100, then you will have a passive income of more than $ 1000 to your pension (compare with the Russian pension - 3-4 times less), and after death leave your grandchildren an inheritance - more than $ 160 000. Here we took the difference between the interest on the deposit and inflation is 6% (a very real figure), and you started to postpone at 23 years, a compound interest was taken into account.

2. "Pocket money" store on a bank card with interest

To receive income from the amount you use during a month, keep the amount of current expenses for a month on the bank card, which is used to calculate interest on the balance.

For example, Bank "Tinkoff" gives 14% of the balance on the card in rubles to 500 thousand rubles. Let's say that within a month your expenses are about 100 thousand rubles, then for a year you will receive an additional 10 thousand rubles. At the same time, your money on the card is not frozen, unlike the deposit, and you can use them at any time.

3. Participation in partner programs

If you are in a business environment, for example, conduct trainings and master classes, then many partner programs that the company offers are suitable for you. Many good IT products that help business have an interesting affiliate program: Accounting Outline, Megaplan cloud system, Supl.biz marketplace, etc.

For example, if you attract 10 customers to the trading platform Supl.biz, you will receive a passive income at the level of 15 thousand rubles. every month. At the same time, you will do a good job for the company you are a partner with, and those people who will recommend the product, because it will really help them in business.

4. Invest in real estate

This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to invest. According to statistics, about 30% of housing in Moscow is bought for investment. In addition, that the price of real estate is constantly growing, you can live in an apartment and save tens of thousands of rubles on a lease.

To competently invest in real estate, make friends with an intelligent agent - a friend who works in real estate, there are almost everyone. He will tell you the right decision. The main thing is not to buy real estate at a time when its price is at its peak.

5. Help your friends create a business for a small fraction

If you are engaged in intellectual activity, then you are likely to be surrounded by intelligent and active people, many of whom want to start their own business. Help them in this! For a small share in the business, for example, 1-5%, depending on the volume and benefits of your work.

Usually, beginning entrepreneurs willingly agree to such conditions, because they need help not only intellectual or advice, but also emotional support. Especially important is the support not just from an outsider, but from someone who is vitally interested in the success of a new enterprise.

6. Invest in shares

Investing in stocks is one of the most difficult forms of creating passive income. This requires you to immerse yourself in the securities market and representations, where the industry develops in general. Well, if you get such knowledge as a "by-product" from your core business, then investing in securities can create a good passive income for you.

If you had spent $ 1000 on Apple shares 12-14 years ago, now they would have cost about $ 100,000, plus you would have received about $ 1,600 in dividends per year.

7. Start your own business

This, of course, is the highest aerobatics in creating passive income. According to statistics, only a few percent of people are trying to create their own business, and 90% of companies are closed in the first year of their existence. Entrepreneurship is a special kind of activity, very complex, which requires full return.

But, as you know, the risk of entrepreneurship is overrated: it is much more terrible to wake up at the age of 60 and realize that the remaining decades will live on a pension from the state, which will suffice only for medicines.

8. Invest in direct investments in companies

Many serial entrepreneurs after their third or fifth successful business understand that they have reached their limit as managers and deal with the operational management of companies they are no longer very interesting. Then they begin to engage in direct investments in new companies, getting a share in them for it.

So, for example, Peter Til, the founder of PayPal became the first investor of the young startup Facebook then - invested $ 500,000 for 10% of the company. Now he owns 3% of the company, which grew in price by 12,000 times and cost $ 6 billion.

Many of the following investments Peter Til (as well as other

8. Invest in direct investments in companies

Many serial entrepreneurs after their third or fifth successful business understand that they have reached their limit as managers and deal with the operational management of companies they are no longer very interesting. Then they begin to engage in direct investments in new companies, getting a share in them for it.

So, for example, Peter Til, the founder of PayPal became the first investor of the young startup Facebook then - invested $ 500,000 for 10% of the company. Now he owns 3% of the company, which grew in price by 12,000 times and cost $ 6 billion.

Many of his next investments Peter Til (as well as other successful entrepreneurs) do through the venture funds that he created, in which hired managers help to select prospective projects and evaluate them.


The first ways to create passive income are the simplest and most accessible to everyone. Start with them. As you master simple tools, move on to more complex ones. Good luck!

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