The temptations are many, the remuneration sometimes not enough for all, spend more than what you have, among others, are some of the impediments reasons to make money, but most of them only depends on you and see what you can do to around the issue.
We all have the same dream: to save! But the same difficulty can not do it. In times of great economic instability, not only for this live our money and so know saving is one of the most important missions but also difficult to put into practice. But there are always barriers that prevent us from making money, so know which are and start to save with these tips:
Do not take aim
The barrier is, often, allocated to what happened in the past and act upon what has passed, instead of thinking about what you want in the future. It is important to have an accurate view of what to do with your money, that is, set a specific goal to save, plan and stipulate where you want to go the money.
Not having discipline
The formula is simple: save more, spend less! The point is that for this maximum results it is necessary to auto discipline and have self-control over things. You should learn to identify what makes you consuming more and to curb the impulses. You never get anywhere if your lifestyle is spend all you have or start spending more just because it had an increase, for example. The ideal is that once you receive your salary, put aside about 10% even before settling your normal monthly bills. At the beginning it may be more difficult to manage, but with time you will learn to live without this value.
Panicking with the crisis
For those who are willing to save to invest, oddly enough, it is in times of recession that we get the best opportunities. For those who are have the possibility to invest, study well what the best deal and remember that should invest in something that brings you financial return, of course, but which realize and enjoy.
Buy motivated by emotion
We are all influenced to a greater or lesser degree, anxiety or insecurity. These two features that are very recurring in virtually all of our decisions are able to undermine any opportunity to save to start or improve any investment. Ask yourself if it is worth is important for you not to make any mistakes because we are often driven by impulse and the emotion on the purchase. It is important not to let the haste and impulsiveness influence negatively on your goals, because in this way all your savings go down the drain to fulfill dreams of momentary consumption.
Lack of persistence and determination
There are several reports of millionaires who deal with failure and success every day, so do not judge that for them it was or is always a bed of roses. What happens is that there were people who did not give up at the first setback and failure. Nevertheless, they are people who have or have learned the habit of taking quick decisions and are always ready to decide. If a person takes to decide or tends to change it often, you will never be able to earn money! The path, to the first defeat, or even be a position in life, always face the same with negativity will never inspire and captivate cooperation and this is essential for obtaining power.
Want to enrich through illicit means
Want to make easy money often ends up being the reason is lost everything already won. It is important to have some basics of finance and realize that should earn your money fairly and honestly.
Not risk
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained!" Has heard ?! Basically nothing ventured tends to follow what others are doing or to choose and take care too much is almost as bad as being careless. Of course the doubt when it comes to money and investment is always the end result and it is right that there is fear, nothing but how to calculate the risk, be smart and start small and low.
Having a closed mind
Someone trend with a more closed and conservative mind for a given subject or area is not to step forward. The ideal is to keep up to date in several areas, have new ideas and think where you can innovate. For this is nothing like being exposed to other groups of people without the comfort zone and give value to other ideas.
Not having financial education
Culturally we do not give attention to financial education is not something taught in the home, even in schools. So it's important that people seek books, applications, and professionals who can help them in creating basics to control personal finances.