thats euhm ... woaw ... can you imagine ? 80 TONNES OF GOLD , fake, and NO ONE noticed it ?
Nikkei Asia via #bitcoinmagazine
To give context of how much 83 tons is, the space shuttle Endeavor, weighs approximately 78 tons, and a hippopotamus weights around 5 tons. So picture a hippo flying a space shuttle, and that's about how much fake gold was seized from this one loan!
If you can get away with that just once ... then you just need to find 2.8 bln worth of crypto on a flashdrive with no trx attached to it and bob's your uncle, right?
as BTC-magazine states :
This should be fairly obvious, but just to hammer the point home, you cannot create fake Bitcoin. This is yet another one of Bitcoin's strengths that has been so clearly highlighted by something that has nothing to do with Bitcoin, and it makes the narrative around Bitcoin that much clearer. Thanks, Kingold, for nailing our messaging for us.