Brexit II: Is Donald Trump a False Flag?

in money •  8 years ago  (edited)

I saw a video of Michael Moore promoting Donald Trump today and I wondered what was happening.

The Cleveland Indians and Chicago Cubs are in the World Series… and now Michael Moore, the democratic shill who glossed over 9/11 on behalf of the elites is supporting Donald Trump?

What is going on!

Michael Moore’s impassioned speech on Trump honed in on one thing, “We have the power through the vote!”

It was then that I thought, they are going to give the illusion of choice, like they did with Brexit.

What has happened since Brexit, really? Nothing! They now say, “maybe by 2019 we’ll think about doing it…” while the British pound gets smashed and worldwide stock markets had their biggest drop in history the day after Brexit.

They want you to know that your “choice” comes with consequences. Yes, you have the “choice” to Brexit, but if you do, things will go badly for you… and, on top of that, nothing at all will change.

Is this their plan with Trump?

We’ve talked as recently as yesterday about how Trump is in the “big club”, the one we ain’t in, and is a globalist Jesuit.

But, no one knows that. He is seen as an outsider. Anti-establishment! He’s Barack O’Bomber’s “Hope and Change” for white people.

And it could turn out exactly the same as with Barack Obama: Horror and Corruption instead of Hope and Change.

Trump may be selected (not elected) just to make sure people understand that those at the top have the right plan for us.

How will we know? Well … not long after Trump’s ascension, the world will start going to hell as we have forecast.

Chaos will strike with a vengeance and people won’t even see them coming. Instead they’ll be ecstatic over a Trump victory.

“We won!” they’ll say, and they’ll keep it up as disasters start to unfold.

You see, Trump will prove no panacea, anymore than Brexit. Wars in the Middle East will escalate. There may not be direct nuclear war with Russia, which will be seen as a positive (even though it’s all planned by the same people).

Trump might change the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, to show he means business, but then the new Chairman will be no better or even worse than the old one. (Anything else is impossible, for the Fed is always a disaster.)

And the elites will continue to trigger disasters.

Maybe the stock market will lose thousands of points, destabilizing governments and corporations around the world.

Banks will make serial crashes. Bail-ins will rape investors.

China will implode. Derivatives, in their trillions, will come undone.

All the things we have been forecasting will take place. A lot of them they can control, after all, through controlling central banks and money production.

They will be pleased to do this, as they are pleased to do anything evil. The boot will stamp on a human face for eternity (or until people realize the only answer is to get rid of government and central banks completely).

The alternative, of course, is a Hillary win.

In that case, people will get even more discouraged - and ultimately a good deal more angry sooner rather than later. It will actually be worse. There will be civil unrest, martial law and more war than you can even dream of.

If you understand what is really going on, as I outlined in my book, Shemitah Trends, it’s all obvious.

Most will get hurt in the coming years as people keep thinking, like they did with Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack O’Bomber (who hasn’t had one day of peace in his entire presidency), that change - real change - is coming. Trump will make America great again, they’ll say, as they report to the FEMA camps.

Trump’s given plenty of indications that his regime would be an authoritarian one in any case. The war on drugs will heighten, the police state will surge and the “global” economy will plunge. People’s painful, little prosperity will be blown up.

But you’re reading this blog. And thus you already understand what we’ve accurately forecast in the past two years via Shemitah and Jubilee Year occurrences.

As a result, you’ve have a chance to prosper, having seen what is coming and having taken actions to save yourselves and your families from the worst of it.

Now you’re anticipating the future. Gold, for instance, will skyrocket (although they’ll likely make it illegal again as in 1933). Bitcoin will go ballistic (it already is as we speak). Those who have escaped their tax farms for better tax farms (often in Latin America and Asia) will be much better off.

If you haven’t already, you need to subscribe to TDV (click here for more) to find out how to continue to survive and profit as the upcoming insanity grows. All my books are free as a subscriber, including Shemitah Trends, Getting Your Gold Out Of Dodge (to protect against confiscation), Bulletproof Shares (how to ensure your mining stocks can not be confiscated in a bankruptcy scenario) and many others…

Plus, our 40+ page bimonthly newsletter with alerts is an invaluable addition to your “survival tool kit.” And a worldwide community of Dollar Vigilante subscribers (see all here) can help you with your escape plan.

There are some positives here. Big positives. Brexit showed that a majority of people in the UK has had enough with their technocratic, dictatorial government. Trump’s popularity shows that a massive amount of people in the US are similarly fed up.

Unfortunately, until people realize that ticking a box in a curtained booth won’t fix it and understand the only thing that will is a complete removal of big government and the central banks, then we’ll have to go along for the horrible ride with them.

No matter who wins this upcoming selection, most people will lose. You don’t have to be one of them.

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The reason I am flagging: I cannot in good conscience support someone who is continuing to steal money from innocent people. I did not have a full grasp of the number of victims who have suffered economic losses due to the fraudulent scams of Mr. Berwick until fairly recently. If this was only Doom Porn Infomercials, I would not be flagging it. I would simply ignore it like i have done for 2 months.

The fact is, giving money via upvotes and supporting this scam artist is unconscionable and it goes against the principles of Steemit as set forth in Dan's voluminous writing..... "Do unto others as you would like done unto you." I am doing exactly that by warning people not to invest money into TDV operations or take any investment advice from a confirmed conman.
The cult of personality is alive and well in here and it's spreading like a disease.

He's pretty much the reason why professional writers won't come on here. I used to post links to this site on my social media but had to stop when colleagues and friends asked me why I'd be interested in reading "back of magazine crap." One person, an editor for the Vancouver Sun, referred to Steemit as the National Enquirer for Fake Anarchists and Scam Artists. Ouch.

Many people I've talked to say they are leaving Steemit because they are embarrassed that TDV is getting upvoted and support from the founders. They find it really distasteful and their friends do too. It's quickly becoming the National Enquirer For Doom Porn Evangelists and their sheeple followers. Wow, it's headed for the dumpster, and soon too. Reputations are really hard to shake off. If the founders didn't support him, that would be one thing, but full support speaks of future doom, with regular people fleeing by the truckloads.

Flagged for spam and fraud on account of the newsletter subscription links at the bottom, which is used for marketing scams to unsuspecting dupes like I once was.
Also this:

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Interesting. I figured his newsletter was the same content as Steem, but never checked it out as I usually get annoyed of mailing lists in general.

He's selling passports? Isn't that illegal? wow. I just find he has interesting insights, but I do remember he thought that big german bank was going to close over the weekend and it didn't happen.

Seems like he's living the life. One of the first people I found on Steem, but thanks for warning people. I always assumed he was a day trader or somthing like that.

Yeah. I found that video on YouTube earlier when I looked up his actual name that was posted here. One thing I like about Steemit is the reputation system, but it seems like for Berwick it got high. I wonder how he got so popular on Steem? People mentioned him in interviews and stuff I'm thinking.

I was under the impression he was some sort of authority figure in the crypto community. @dan is on the speaker list for his Anarchapulco 2017 conference. Milo Yiannopoulos, Adam Kokesh and Press for truth are a few others I've also heard of. I wonder why the community and reputable people don't disassociate with him. I'm guessing they might not of known to give them the benefit of a doubt?

His Anarchapulco actually looks cool. Kinda disappointing when you think someone who is all cool and popular is actually a scammer. I guess you can truly be anyone on the internet. Sounds like selling passports is a hugely illegal thing to do.

Well, actually, you are correct in that some of those involved with Anarchapulco don't know about Berwick's scams…but some do and still associate with Berwick. I, and others, think that Berwick quite possibly is simply collecting information on those who go to Anarchapulco, and taking their money of course, and that some of the speakers are controlled opposition, or whatever the term is for that nowadays. I don't know and don't care. I think it also has to do with those who listen to the regurgitated pitch of Berwick of 'hating the state' want to remain in a state of denial that someone they may have done an interview with, or who wants to promote their endeavours, is a conman. I was one of the people who stood up to his lies, fraud and crimes, so I was publicly smeared by him, and a handful of others. One last reason for people still speaking at Anarchapulco is that some of them are also conmen, which is documented in various media about several of them. Peas in a pod. Birds of a feather. You know how that goes.

Berwick actually funded Anarchapulco 2015 with money that he defrauded his passport victims out of. I used to work with Berwick and witnessed how he first paid for his addictions, then let his wife take what she wanted, then sometimes paid those who worked for him, and many times completely neglected required payments for client residency processes, etc. In the video, it is clear that just days before Anarchapulco 2015, he admits that he spent $300,000 (much more actually) that he swindled from two of his victims, which he admitted that he had not paid back, nor could he pay it back. Hmmm…with his Mexico passport scam being his only source of revenues, then how did he fund Anarchapulco 2015?

Think about that. A guy who preaches and panders not to carry out crimes with victims, as he preaches that the state does on a regular basis, funds his new preaching and pandering platform with money from the victims of his crimes…to then shut down his passport company, and shaft all of his victims out of their money that they gave to him (or so it is said by some of them).

The reason Berwick has a high rating on here, is because he pitches Steemit to those who still read his sophomoric and regurgitative blog, or his Shemitah scam fear porn, which has been completely incorrect since he started swindling people out of money on that as well.

Quite bizarre to see anarchists, whom generally claim to be pretty intelligent people, still associating with, or giving money to, someone like Berwick. We'll put an end to it soon. There are a lot of very pissed off people looking to bring about justice for his crimes. Cheers.

@keverw A good marketing guy…or good conman?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Interesting. Sounds like this whole thing could be made into a international crime themed movie. What's even is a Shemitah? DV is the first person I heard mention it.

Just Googled it, guess it's some religious thing that happens every 7 years.

I was reading some other posts about him too on here, apparently he called a journalist a little maggot that was questioning him. but I didn't read the whole chat log. I think I spent too much time today reading stuff on Steemit lol.

I guess all this shows is you can really be whoever you want to be on the internet. You can prop yourself up to look as successful as you want it seems.

I usually have my computer read me his posts while multitasking, I found them interesting. I guess he's a really good marketing guy.

Same mantra repeated through the ages


and again

and again

meanwhile the world is always..ALWAYS getting better

Come on guys. Let's elevate the quality in here

As some here may know, I worked with TDV in 2012, until I could stomach it no more. I moved to Chile to create Galt's Gulch Chile, with, or without, Berwick, depending on if he ever made good on the hundreds of thousands of dollars he screwed me out of in 2012, and early 2013. He never made good on his debts to me, so we refused him ownership in GGC…so we then witnessed him attempt a hostile takeover of GGC in mid-2013, and then again in 2014, with a handful of corrupt cohorts…which is still being dealt with in the courts in Chile.

You may ask, why would Berwick harm a project that he publicly claimed to be "the Founder" of? Because, as mentioned, he was denied the 50% of GGC that he demanded of me, and our other Founders…and I, and the others, did not want him a part of GGC. We spent months discussing how to remove a vengeful dishonest person like Berwick, without him harming GGC yet again. I wanted to simply go public with all of the lies, deceit and intentional damages Berwick inflicted upon GGC, but some of our investors persuaded me not to. I will be doing so now. All of this will be released shortly in posts on Steemit, Facebook, our website, and to various media outlets. I remained silent for the most part over the past two years, but Berwick's fraud, theft and scams need to end…and we are to a point where sharing all of the dirt on him won't affect our legal proceedings.

In Berwick's write-up on himself above, next to his 4-year old photo, he mentions that he regularly appears on CNBC, Fox Business and Bloomberg, but what he fails to mention to anyone is that he outright lied to these three media outlets (again, his own emails will be released) so that they would bring him onto their shows, thinking that he was "the Founder" of BitcoinATM. He never was "the Founder" of BitcoinATM. He never was "the Founder" of Galt's Gulch Chile.

It is clear to me, and to many whom have crossed paths with him that he is a pathological conman, who goes from one con to the next, closing bank accounts, hiding his victims' money, not replying to his victims (these victims have statements to be released also), and more. After Berwick was able to sucker CNBC, Fox Business and Bloomberg into letting him slither onto their sets, he then carried on with his charade and lied to the public, stating that, again, he was "the Founder" of BitcoinATM, BitcoinATM was to put the "first BitcoinATMs in Cyprus" and that BitcoinATM was in production of their product…the BitcoinATMs.

This was all completely false and completely fraudulent on Berwick's part. BitcoinATM never was in production on BitcoinATM units while Berwick was lying to the public about their company. They owned one used ATM machine, which they purchased for $5,000 from a third party who installed Bitcoin software onto it. That is it. Nothing else…other than a quick website they popped up. Berwick never had a contract with BitcoinATM. He never had a piece of paper that said "the Founder of BitcoinATM", as he represented to everyone, and as some here may still believe to be true. If so, do a search on this guy, before he takes your money too. His involvement with BitcoinATM was a complete farce, as most of what Berwick does is…which you will soon see in his own emails, messages, videos, photos and contracts. BitcoinATM is still operating today, because they told Berwick to stop associating himself with their company shortly after his scam to get onto mainstream media…his purported "arch enemies." Again, emails on file about this.

Has Berwick claimed to be "the Founder" of Steemit yet? Be careful Steemit, because when he does you better do as your drunken promoter demands…or else. Cheers.

Oh No, The worlds gonna end soon....... any minute now. Everyone who said it was gonna end in the year 2000 and 2012 were just crazy people but this time is for real.

Berwick is still claiming that his Shemitah scam predictions were accurate…after they've been wrong about a half dozen times dating back over a year now. Berwick is a two-bit conman. We're releasing all of his emails, contracts, messages, videos, photos and more shortly. We'll see how he attempts to twist the reality of what he has done to a very large number of his victims.

I really don't know that much about berwick besides what he posts but I do hear several people (like you) saying that they have been scammed by him in person. I see no reason why you or they would be lying. I look forward to reading all of that. Cheers!

The 2012 thing was actually about change, according to the Mayans. It was the doom-porn merchants that wanted to cash in that were pushing the "end is nigh" agenda.

Agreed, I think the 2012 things was a grid shift (possible connected to the collective conscious) in things that can't be seen with our regular senses.

Yes, well said. Definitely doom porn merchants looking to cash in on the 2012 "end is nigh" thing.

The world as we knew it did end in 2012. We have seen more truth come to light than ever before in our history. These fuckers in power can't hide anymore ;) The more we expose them, the more their empire will crumble. Mwahaha lol


I think saying "the world did end as we know it" is too much of a broad term, is to easily misinterpreted and doesn't really accurately say what happened. The best way I have to describe what I think happened in 2012 was a grid shift that we are unable to see with our regular sense.

People and the elites in power have been playing a cat and mouse game for a very long time. I think this quote accurately displays what has been happening constantly over the centuries with power and people.

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

If voting changed anything it would be illegal. Emma Goldman 1902
Keep working, stop paying. FBA 2012(?)

Trump 2016!

I saw the Michael Moore video this morning and I was very confused at what was going on. This month he was on The View, promoting the hell out of Clinton. Apparently that talk was meant to be a parody, but it was a very convincing one, and words came out of his mouth that shouldn't have been said by a Hillary supporter.


There is no choice. Whether Trump is elected or not, the elite will get their way, they always get their way

Brilliant his view congratulations

Good to see that people know that they are selected and not elected. Sad so many people believe their vote counts. Ha!

The talk by Michael Moore was truly bizarre. I could not believe he was saying what he was saying. I still will never trust him.

Moore just did an hour long show on why NOT to vote for trump.... I think it is extremely odd that he would suddenly be pro trump. The system may be corrupt but if you don't vote, you can't complain.

@Soraya sorry but that is blatant indoctrination! You basically just stated if you don't take part in perpetuating a scam "you can't complain" sorry but give your head a shake!

Well, on the plus side at least whoever wins will DEFINITELY be a one termer. Bet on that. I think the real problem here is the false dichotomy of two party systems. I consider myself part of the libertarian party, although I haven't donated yet. Ideologically, libertarianism is sound; but since we keep getting this clown GJ as the general candidate, nobody takes the movement seriously anymore. I voted for GJ before I knew how bizarre his behavior is (and rising by the day). Why is it that the worst of all people are the ones propped up as our "leaders?" It's one big joke, except no-one's laughing anymore.

"upcoming insanity"

The system is corrupt!

It's technically not corrupt. It is functioning exactly as intended.

Is taking hundreds of thousands (or millions) of dollars for fake Mexican passports from many dozens of your victims, funding Anarchapulco 2015 with it, squandering the rest, and then not refunding their money…also "technically not corrupt"? Was it "functioning exactly as intended"?

I concur, the best laid plans are ones you think you had a part in.

Here is one, of the many, victims that Berwick stole money from . Berwick funded Anarchapulco with the money that he stole from his Mexico passport victims. Berwick is a thief and a conman…and criminal…with many many victims.

Yesss remember we spoke about this? ;)

I flagged this post, because it clearly supports the promotion of a person, and business ventures, that have defrauded, and quite possibly still are defrauding, many victims (his crimes are not victimless), while absconding with what evidence outlines to be many hundreds of thousands, or possibly millions, of dollars. Steemit could be a great platform, but should immediately distance itself from Jeff Berwick. When I start releasing information on Berwick here, I welcome those who question it, or me, to comment, because I can supply all documents and evidence supporting all that I, and others, are about to make public about Berwick. Cheers.

that video was taken out of context from what i read about it at least. couldn't be bothered to watch it personally.

It was 5 minutes long (therefore tough to take out of context) and super pro Trump.

I think that calling Trump a False Flag is a good analogy - he works for Hilary - he was designed to catch the wild hairs as we all get swept into the NWO dustpan

@dollarvigilante Got to admit how convenient it is for the central bank to have an administration every four years to take the blame (if things get sour)

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