How To Protect Your IRA From Confiscation

in money •  8 years ago 

We have been highlighting how most major countries in the western world are bankrupt and as a result have had to resort to negative interest rates.

As a consequence of these negative rates, people naturally realized it wasn’t worth paying the bank to allow them to store their money, which is what helped to pave the way for the current war on cash that we’ve seen wreak havoc on countries like Venezuela and India most recently.

So now, as governments are beginning to get desperate and will be quicker to enact more draconian financial policies, it is certainly the time to start moving your wealth outside the western financial system into things like precious metals, cryptocurrencies and other hard assets.

We just released a great interview with Gus Demos of Perpetual Assets regarding the most recent capital controls, asset confiscation, nationalization and hyperinflation prospects.

IRA and retirement money in the USSA especially, is low hanging fruit for thieving government bureaucrats who are hungry to steal any money they can get their hands on.

For them, taking the money in retirement funds will be like taking candy from a baby in America and the people will likely be consoled and told they’re being compensated with 50-year “American Patriot” treasury bonds paying negative interest rates or some similar worthless “asset”.

This is why it is so important to consider self-directed IRA’s like Gus Demos offers through Perpetual Assets.

To learn more about the specifics he and I talked about, check out the interview we did with Gus.

To find out more immediately on converting your IRA to a self-directed IRA, click here.

Also please join us for this year’s TDV Internationalization and Investment Summit being held on February 24th, 2017, in beautiful Acapulco, Mexico where Gus will be speaking and offering his insights as well as doing one-on-one consultations to help you survive and profit during and after the dollar collapse.

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Thanks for sharing this information with us all. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Thank you for this interesting [email protected] work.You are welcome to visit my post.greets


Any money you give Berwick is sure to be confiscated. Read my story here:

Self-directed IRA is becoming more and more interesting. I wouldn't mind rolling mine over into one w/ a mix of some traditional stuff with a mix of metals, crypto and real estate. and who knows maybe other stuff. I have little faith in USD, bonds and stocks in the next year.