The USSA Government To Protect Their Tax Farm Slaves From Fake News

in money •  8 years ago  (edited)

It’s mainstream versus alternative media.

A list of “fake news” has been circulating that includes such prominent conservative and libertarian sources as Zero Hedge, Breitbart, The Blaze, Red State, the Daily Wire, Project Veritas, WND, and Infowars among many others.

These sources are not “fake” however. You can find a lot of truth on them. On the other hand, former GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul recently circulated a list of mainstream reporters who evidently colluded with the Clintons and were named by WikiLeaks for doing so.

These “fake news” journalists, according to Ron Paul, have been responsible for writing stories that contributed to “bogus wars.” Such reporters also relayed information that Obamacare would allow individuals to keep their doctors when they would not and that Hillary Clinton would win the presidential election because faulty polls said so. Journalists from CNN, the New York Times, and the Guardian are included.

Here is an image containing pictures of networks and names of reporters who helped convince much of the public that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction:

If you want to see REAL fake news, go no further than CNN:

On the other hand, the creator of the so called “fake news” (anti-alternative media) list is not a high profile politician like Ron Paul. Instead she is a Merrimack College assistant professor. Melissa Zimdars identifies herself as a feminist and activist and has only held her “teaching” position as a professor of communications for 15 months.

She is also a columnist and contributor for Little Village Magazine – a left-leaning magazine that says it’s focused on issues such as “racial justice,” “gender equity,” “critical culture,” “economic and labor justice” and “environmental sustainability.” She claimed she compiled her list because of her disapproval of the sources her students were using and citing.

This seems to be a classic case of a “useful idiot” social justice warrior working to continue the beloved disinformation effort that international bankers and political elites have been waging since time immemorial to keep the masses in the dark.

We now live in a world where being a “truther” is supposed to have a negative connotation. It’s exactly as Ron Paul once said, “Truth is treason in an empire of lies”. Back in 2014, John Kerry made a speech to State Department workers and their families where he stated, “This little thing called the internet… makes it much harder to govern”.

We will continue to point out the quote because it’s true. It is the reason why the globalists wanted the UN have to control over the internet so badly – it stands in the way of their world governance agenda.

Barack O’Bomber was actually one of the first people to come out and claim that “false news” shared online may have played a role in Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election.

All of this news network controversy has given Google a good excuse to also jump into the battle. Google is apparently in the midst of changing their advertising policies to prevent websites trying to misrepresent themselves from using Google’s Adsense network.

Facebook is also readying policies to help people deal with “fake news.”

And, as we know, Twitter has been banning anyone with a non-establishment point of view, such as Milo Yiannopoulos.

Banning subjectively “fake” news is identical to censorship.

In fact, the movement to “protect” people from ‘net-based news fakery is spreading throughout the mainstream media. Obviously, there are forces that want to persuade you that only the mainstream can provide an ongoing level of truthfulness when it comes to news and information.

Of course, the internet has provided us with exactly the opposite conclusion. We’ve seen via our own analysis that if you know what to look for, you can find insights and enlightenment that make a lot more sense than what you find in the mainstream media.

The same mainstream who continues to state that 9/11 was engineered by a man in a cave on a dialysis machine (who also happened to work for the CIA). The same mainstream that fanned the flames of war with Bush’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction” that they all laugh about now.

The same mainstream media who doesn’t even mention that ISIS and Al Qaeda were both inventions of and funded by the CIA. The same mainstream media that, guilty by omission, doesn’t even mention how, on this very Thanksgiving Day, US government order followers are blowing up indigenous women and children in Standing Rock.

I’m happy to say that TDV has contributed in its own way to this enlightenment and has powerfully supported the growth of market-based anarchy, which is growing around the world.

I suggest that if you enjoy our information, that you add your email to our email list which you can find on our newly designed website at so that, if and when we get removed from the worldwide web we can still provide you with information.

And, even better, come in person to our upcoming TDV Internationalization & Investment Summit on February 24th to get more information, analysis and recommendations on how to survive and profit from what is going on.

And, stay after for the four day Anarchapulco conference. The world’s largest anarcho-capitalist event where, for four days, the best minds from across the world will show you how they are creating new systems that make the old systems, like the government and mainstream media, obsolete.

The globalists and world controllers have realized that this little thing called the internet is making it hard for them to govern.


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For many years I've considered Reddit to be a safe haven of free speech. It appears the "fake news" narrative has been powerful enough cause Reddit's CEO to shut down /r/pizzagate. In fact, I'm beginning to suspect that the "fake news" narrative was a pre-emptive strike designed to control the pizzagate scandal.

Here's an interesting and potentially relevant chart:,fake%20news

Nice chart, but this one shows "pizzagate" has surpassed "fake news" when viewed based on the last 7 days:,fake%20news

The recent trend you highlight is an important measurement of global consciousness. This suggests public awareness is on the precipice of overcoming the mainstream narrative. I think the goal here is to have our collective consciousness reach critical mass. Once enough competent people are talking about pizzagate, it will force a serious mainstream reply. The current mainstream narrative seems to be that pizzagate research is fake news propagated by the Russian government to cause destabilization in the west. This is an important time to help people sort out truth from fiction. Lives literally depend on it.

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^ This

I wonder how this is going to work out for them. (the mockingbird media)

Viewership rates have been plummeting for the MSM, but have not completely disappeared. Maybe the problem was the people that still watch the news on TV don't know where the exit is.

Now that MSM is spotlighting the exit. Maybe we will see the rest of the people leave. The MSM will become like the NYSE completely empty.

This is communist style censorship, or at least something to that degree.

Gotta keep the news aways from the herd otherwise they might get educated.

Very good article ! Media sales ! Money can buy any news !

When people create bullshit and expect us to eat it up, they spit said bullshit back into the faces of the people who created it. In this case, it's the mainstream media and they have the nerve to act surprised when their viewership plummets?

What a bunch of ignoramus!!

I'd also like to recommend this post to dollarvigilante

The MSM has what? A slightly higher approval rating than U.S. congress? They're going to dictate what (real news) is? This is their dying breath, seriously.

More like an act of desperation.

Yes that is until they co-opt big social media websites, then their grasp extends seriously.

Since most people get their news from social media, it would become a very efficient way to censor news.

That is interesting, thank you