Doug Casey, The Most Interesting Man - Emancipated Human

in money •  8 years ago 

I have been so busy traveling for work but I was fortuitous enough to hit this homerun with Doug Casey. Please watch and share!

The most interesting man in the world, Doug Casey, did another appearance on Emancipated Human.
We talked about his new book SPECULATOR co-written with John Hunt, his views on spirituality, the election with Trump, correction of gold, and more.
Buy the book HERE:

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I bought Doug's book, "The International Man," at a used book store on a whim before I even knew who he was. That book is still one I suggest to people exploring liberty, international travel, or expatriation.

i would absolutely agree! thank you!

Doug is starting to be my favorite guy to listen to talk.

he's my favorite anarchist for sure.

He doesn't oppose voluntaryist "Night Watchman" minarchy (he just thinks it's unlikely, given the stupidity levels of most humans). He strongly supports #juryindependence AKA "jury nullification of law for victimless non-crimes, with guilty verdicts for actual crimes, such as serial murder."

Doug is the best. He's right about everything that matters.

I see your name on here everywhere so I decided to come see what you are alla bout and I am not disappointed.

I am finding my way still on here being a minnow type. My post today is trending in 2 categories under the #steemsquad tag which shocked me lol. RS and UV your post and followed you. Any help you can give me would be appreciated. Have a nice wkend. Barry east of Toronto (:

thank you so much for your message and for watching, Barry. i appreciate it. just followed you, too!

Great! Nice to hear from you.

I just put up a #Steemit101 type post a few mins ago under #verification on how to Verify your account and get a badge for it, if you want to share that to your feed to help people too. We are all learning together. Have a nice day.

I upvoted in anticipation of a good interview because Doug Casey never disappoints. I wish I could upvote again now that I’ve seen it. I know Doug’s threatened to write fiction for some time now. His essay collection Totally Incorrect is one of the best non-fiction books I’ve ever read.

im very happy to see that it didnt disappoint. :D

and yes, totally incorrect is so far my favorite of his.

@14:57 --

--I hope Doug Casey rubs off on John Mackey. Mackey's a fairweather friend of freedom. His store, Whole Foods, kicks Libertarian Party ballot access petitioners out of his parking lots, while simultaneously contributing money to LP ballot access. Ridiculous! (All Mackey would have to do is allow ballot access petitioners in front of his stores, and that would be worth FAR more than the $40,000 contribution. The very idea that one's freedom of speech doesn't follow one's person when it comes to important subjects is as anti-American as the KGB.)

Even more ridiculous: Mackey claims that corporations have a social responsibility. So, on the one hand, he claims that corporations have a social responsibility (that apparently doesn't include something as prosaic as respecting the spirit of the First Amendment in a god-damned parking lot), and on the other hand, he pays for the ballot access obstacles and restrictions that he helps contribute to to be overcome. Now some more irony: He debated T.J. Rodgers of Cypress Semiconductor about whether corporations have a responsibility to the general public, and Rodgers (and Milton Friedman) took the position that they did not, and that a corporation only has a responsibility to its shareholders. (i.e.: The position that Mackey takes in his actions, but not his words.) So, would you think that Rodgers, who does not even own any public access thoroughfares (such as Mackey's parking lots) would put himself at personal risk defending free speech in public? Well, he did! He infiltrated the corporate board of Dartmouth University, and forced them to abolish their campus "speech code" in 2005 in defense of the First Amendment in "all areas open to the public." So, the guy who argues in favor of "no corporate responsibility" to the public actually goes above and beyond the call of duty to heroically defend freedom of speech as a "trustee," and the pseudo-libertarian "bleeding heart" allows his stores to call police state thugs on those trying to revive a pulse in his own political party.

Mackey is a fraud. ...All the worse a fraud because even Giant Foodstore on the east coast allow the circulation of nominating petitons (and other petitions) in their parking lots. In John Mackey's parking lots, you'll get arrested for daring to ask a customer to sign a nominating petition. Of course, they usually won't notice you're out there until some fascist complains: at which point it won't matter if 200 "basically pro-American" or "live-and-let-live" customers just signed the petition and were thankful for at least the chance of an option on the ballot: Mackey's socialist-pandering business will do the bidding of his corporate lawyers, bully you, and threaten you with arrest.

This is why the Libertarian Party hasn't gotten anywhere in the USA. (Well, actually it's because libertarians who could force it to function properly don't care to figure out why it doesn't. They don't know it's completely controlled by Bill Redpath who is, in turn, completely controlled by enemies of liberty --probably the FBI).

Mackey doesn't want liberty: he wants to maximize profits above all else, even if it means joining the status quo and trampling individual freedom.

Years ago, Mackey actually sent me a response to my criticism of his servility to his spineless "go with the flow fascist" corporate lawyers. His response was bland denials and platitudes I encounter from only the dumbest of Wal-Mart Managers: "You can petition on public sidewalks in the cities, nearby our stores" (so he was willing to tolerate free speech as much as the anti-freedom hacks on the Supreme Court force him to tolerate it!) Then, he switched tacks, and said, "I defer to my regional corporate boards" (Oh, so I'm supposed to respect you for mindlessly deferring to anti-freedom idiots you hired, who, in turn, mindlessly defer to idiot bar-licensed attorneys who made their livings by "playing it safe" and riding fascism to the bottom, lest their corporate master have what they incorrectly perceive as a chance of losing a few dollars?) "We don't even allow the girl scouts to speak in front of our stores" (Again, so you're extra fascist, and I'm supposed to respect a blanket ban on speech, the most core-America-as-America value there is?!)

John Mackey is precisely why "libertarianism"(classical liberalism, really) has no chance in the USA, unless it comes from a Democrat or a Republican.

@30:40 I'd love to know if Doug Casey has read Daemon and Freedom by Daniel Suarez. If not, I highly recommend them. :)
