How to make money using CPA Grip using a basic method! Make over $1000 PM!

in money •  7 years ago 

 CPA is a great way to make money online. I have found some methods that will earn you around $1000 per month with only a few hours work. You will have the possibility to earn more. With this method, the more effort you put in, the higher your returns will be. 

 What you will need:
An account at CPA grip 


How to get started making money with CPA

1. Head over to and look up a few games, perhaps popular ones as they usually get the most views. Download the latest hack tools, cheats etc for them.
2. Upload them to your web hosting at Dreamhost, setup a domain where you will post all your videos. Its usually nice to have a wordpress page on their also.
3. Head to CPAGrip, Go to the menu on the left side and click “monetization tools”, then URL/File lockers
4. Setup a URL locker to go to the hack/cheats you want to use. Use a url shortner. Dont post the direct URL
5. Now go to youtube and look for some game play footage of hacks with the game you have the cheats for. It doesn’t matter if its the exact same cheat or not. Download the video and re upload it to your account.
6. You will need to name the title with something catching and for tags and description, use the relevant keywords. You can get keywords for anything from
7. Just wait for the hits to come in, Start posting the videos around and stuff. Keep updating the titles such as “UPDATED JUNE 2016” etc so they think its the latest hacks possible.

NOTE: If you really dont give a shit, you can link them all straight to unknown cheats, But i prefer to link them to the actual cheats so they will keep coming back. 

 All up each video will take you around 5 mins to do after you have a template.This is a pretty basic method and the things I have to offer if you use my referral are more advanced. But with this method I have managed to do ~$1500 per month personally with 10 videos and its a good start to get used to how everything works. 

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