in money •  8 years ago 
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You know what that means? "Buckle your seat belt Dorothy, cause Kansas is going bye-bye". September 10th 2001, the day before 9/11 was perpetrated on the American people, by the Cabal; $2.3 Trillion was lost, what are they going to do, to cover up a $6.5 Trillion mistake. I use the term mistake loosely. I'm going to write an article calling for a World Wide "Non-Complitax Movement". It will set out a plan for descent, loving human beings to come together on a set date and for a set time; TO STOP PAYING TAXES! They don't care if we march in the streets, but when 30 Million people or 100 Million people stop paying taxes, they will feel it in their balls. We live in a lawless global society, where the criminals are in the White House and they want to destroy our home planet, so they can make profits and steal our hard earned money. "Someone please wake me up, out of this nightmare!"

We encourage everyone to live by honorable standards, and all we have is right now. It does not make sense to us to continue giving power to proven liars and thieves! What will unfold this time the frauds "misplaced" trillions?


What can you even say to that? Why are people still participating in this fraud?

Where did it go? There's no explanation, no accountability. This is blatant thievery and lies!

Fraud is proven! It seems no one wants to talk about this...

Why talk about this when we can invent new enemies to sell weapons to and kill? Besides, Justin Bieber just got a flat tire. Now THAT is news!

Is this real life?!

The whole ruling monetary system is mind boggling when looked at under a magnifying glass. Thanks for blowing it open.

We call for a shift in values!

I seen this somewhere
a few weeks ago
Getting Creepy
Thx For post

How can people not see what is going on? Thank god there is another way!

How can people see it yet continue to participate?

The last time this happened, a few terrorists flew a few planes into some buildings and the whole 'hole' in the money was forgotton about. I was just wondering whether another terrorist attack is imminent to get The Americans to forget about this theft?.

How can people continue to participate and give power to thieves, liars, and frauds knowing that they support destruction?

Thankful for conscious awakening. Let's hope it catches on sooooon!! People have to wake up. What more proof of tyranny is needed? Thank s for keeping it real, Garden of Eden. The Revolution Begins Within!

Taxation is theft!