in money •  7 years ago 

Everyone loves money! When I say this you think of that little piece of paper that is worthless unless you spend it. People are willing to steal and kill and do many other horrible things for money. Is money the root of all evil? No satan is, please sit down. I have search far and wide for the secrets to become a millionaire, many people say the same things over and over. Thats what I plan on doing here!


  1. Spend as little to no money, even be homeless if you can, if you make 25k a year you will have 1 million dollars in 40 years!

  2. If you want to become rich the faster way there are a few things you can do. You could gamble your money trying to profit. You could also invest your money into a bunch of random companies you have no idea about and that could help. Look at Steve Jobs he created Apple in a garage, and now he's dead.

  3. Treat everyday as your last, so whats the reason of trying to be a millionaire when we'll be conquered by weird aliens and they'll put us in the matrix.

  4. ????


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