Bitcoin NOT Divide and accept SegWit as your update ...

in money •  8 years ago 

Bitcoin as many expected did not suffer any bifurcation this August 1, since I accept SegWit as its update, this is because the nodes of the network processed by the miners pointed out their support to BIP141.

SegWit improves the second layer of the bitcoin, making improvements to the transactions and the time between them, this proposal began two years ago due to the creation of other areas that did not finish generating the necessary confidence to the miners to put it to the test.

The proposal was accepted in the course of the day because the miners indicated 711 blocks for their activation, on August 9 will be the limit of the 1916 blocks necearios in their second stage of acceptance.

There are three stages that must be completed, beginning with a sign of 1916 blocks with an acceptance of 95%, the second stage repeats the process of the first, the third and last is that of its activation.

The miners who do not indicate BIP141 in their blocks would be displaced, there is little less than 2 weeks for this update without needing to occur the bifurcation that so many people worried, meanwhile the price has a price to date of 2684, we hope that they recover the Confidence in bitcoin and can increase its price.

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Great article!