GODcoin: The One World Currency Is Imminent!

in money •  6 years ago 


Are we on the "cusp of a one world currency"?

A one world currency has been a dream that was set in motion for some time now. Being able to use one monetary unit and control it through one entity has been the goal of a select group in the world. A one world currency has been everything from a conspiracy theory to plans set in motion. If you remember The Economist article from 1988, it predicted a one world currency that would emerge around this very time.

'As the next century approaches, the natural forces that are pushing the world towards economic integration will offer governments a broad choice. They can go with the flow, or they can build barricades.
It is a growth-crippling prospect. Pencil in the Phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes.'


There are still many currencies all over the world. Fiat currency around the globe has seen its fair share of ups-and-downs, challenges, and long-lasting problems. So, are we seeing a crisis of currency? Yes. Even though the U.S. dollar remains in higher standings, others such as the Euro, Canadian dollar, the pound sterling, and some Asian currencies are all seeing anything from harder times to devaluation, according to this article. The article also stated that "the few currencies that are strengthening do not have as much influence on the world stage as their major rivals, such as the Singapore dollar, the Swiss franc, and Caymanian dollar." The article went on to discuss the following:

The globalists want to take advantage of the failed monetary experiment, otherwise known as the Bretton Woods System. As expected, they are not proposing a return to sound money or considering instituting free market solutions – it is all about the growth of the Leviathan. Instead, they are using the advice of Mayor Rahm Emanuel: 'You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.'

If you think the globalists ran wild during the Great Recession, then imagine how they will behave during the next financial calamity. They fired all their bullets – conventional and unconventional – to survive the previous crash. What will they do the next time the global economic system implodes? Every century has a new currency king: from the Portuguese real of the 15th century to the French franc of the 18th century. Will the SDR become the crown prince of the 21st century?

Anytime this discussion pops up, the sage and influential words of legendary economist Friedrich Hayek become immediately relevant: 'The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.'


There should be no surprise that within the alarms that have been rung with this next upcoming global economic collapse, that some in the world are attempting to take control of the situation for their own benefit, not that of the general public. These people want to feed their own monster of corruption and unsound ways. One proposal the article mentions is the following:

José Antonio Ocampo, former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, believes the IMF and SDR could be utilized to form a one-world monetary system. He outlined this proposal in a Project Syndicate piece, titled 'Time for a True Global Currency.' It essentially echoes the same sentiment behind the 31-year-old Economist article: The world needs an international monetary system and one-world notes in a global economy.

Moving forward, says Ocampo, the IMF could be turned into a fully-financed institution that runs its own paper money scheme. This could be achieved by considering the undeposited SDRs that countries hold. Either during bullish times or throughout an economic collapse, the IMF could proceed to issue SDRs to the tune of $300 billion annually. Central banks would then exchange their reserves for SDRs.

Eventually, market SDRs would become ubiquitous in private transactions and investment vehicles – he conceded that this an unnecessary aspect of his proposed reforms.

José Antonio Ocampo closed his own article by stating:

The anniversaries of the IMF and the SDR in 2019 are causes for celebration. But they also represent an ideal opportunity to transform the SDR into a true global currency that would strengthen the international monetary system. Policymakers should seize it.

There are still many problems when it comes to fiat currency - it is essentially worthless! The U.S. dollar has not been backed equally by the gold standard for many years now. Those in the current realm of power may have things "under control" for themselves and their own interests but think about it...At what point in the past have those in power ever had the majority's interest in mind? Not once! The majority suffer while those in power gain more power and wealth. So, since fiat currency from the current powers that be are not a good solution to this failed economic experiment they set in place, is there any other solution that will be good for all? YES, and that solution is GODcoin!

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Cryptocurrency IS the future! There is no doubt about that, but the problem remains that most of the cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are not backed by any tangible assets. So, when fiat currency does plummet, so too will the cryptocurrencies that are hanging on their coat tails. Fiat currency will burn just as paper does in a fire, whereas the digital age that is before us is the future of rising like the Phoenix. No matter what the powers that be have set in motion, they do not have the average person's interest in mind. The government and their cohorts are in place for a reason, to have control and to continue to succeed in their own minds. The problem is, they have set up a system to fail. Not only will it fail, but this was the currency that was predicted to be the new one world currency will be GODcoin. You have the choice to chose the current powers of corruption that will leave you in the burning in their own destruction, or you can choose to rise with the Phoenix of GODcoin, which will be the currency used in the New Kingdom by the King of Kings, King RayEl. Choose wisely, because your future is at stake.

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This article was authored by Judith Monte, @belovebelight

There are many advantages to GODcoin especially since it is one of the few coins that will be backed by gold and silver. Not only does GODcoin offer the illuminated path towards a prosperous future, but very soon, it will be the global currency. To learn more, visit the following links:

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All information provided is available on the official website at https://godcoin.gold



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GODcoin will rise above all the rest!

New one world currency for a NWO! <3

The wise are investing now.

GODcoin will be the only way to thrive!