Hidden Secrets Of Money - Mike Maloney

in money •  8 years ago 

For the gold/silver stackers here, I definitely recommend watching Hidden Secrets Of Money - Mike Maloney, starting with Money vs Currency.


I watched this series and it is incredible that the truth about fiat currencies is right in front of us but most people have no clue..... he takes you on a trip down the rabbit hole. . . .

Mike Maloney has presented a 7 Part series that is eye-opening.
-Money vs Currency
-Seven Stages Of Empire
-Death Of The US Dollar On A Timeline
-The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind
-When Money Is Corrupted
-Trump's Economic Disaster Is Here

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We been in a currency war for years yet most people don't realize it.
The Russians and China want a Gold standard, and are working towards it.
The petro dollar will fail, and it's the reason for wars. They made a deal with the saudis. The had to destabilize the Middle East, and the have by toppling governments, Syria was the breaking point.
What's funny is everyone is throwing so much money at the crypto currencies, a lot of junk cryptos, while governments and banks are buying silver and gold.
There are some real cryto that's worth jumping into, but a lot of pump and dumps, it's why I say now is a great time to grab some of the most undervalued asset which is silver, and gold if you can.

I don't understand cryptos, don't have enough money for gold, I am buying silver,,, oh yeah.

Currency Wars are happening all around us. Very much with China. Gold imports to China are HUGE. Manipulation of currency, gold, silver, stocks are all involved in these currency wars.
Considering the pump and dump of cryptos, the question is:
How much manipulation is occurring with cryptos?

A great series and one that everyone should watch (especially those who do not understand what is about to occur)
When it comes to PMs, it's something tangible in my hand. When it comes to cryptos-currencies...it's just that, a currency. Right now, still in it's infancy stage, there are opps to make money in the cryptos.
But why are countries buying gold and silver. Why are large banks buying precious metals? Why aren't they buying up the cryptos also?
The things that make you say, hmmmm?

Yes, a great series! I posted it here because I have posted comments based on this series. It seems there are a lot of people posting about the dollar, the Fed, and currency BUT they don't understand the basics that this series covers...starting with Money vs Currency.
You are right to question: Why banks are buying more into PM and not crypto currency?
Thanks for the reply - I'm glad to find some who are on the same page

The death of US Dollar will be the rise of Chinese Yuan!

Do you expect to see a Chinese currency backed by gold? (That's one speculation).

Thanks for sharing.