in money •  7 years ago  (edited)

“Punk is not dead. Punk will only die when corporations can exploit and mass produce it.” - Jello Biafra

“Gold’s not dead!” - Josh Crumb


“Punk’s Not Dead” became a rallying cry in the 80’s to emphasize that the punk scene was a passionate group who wouldn’t fade away so easy with the passing trends of music and cultural taste.

Mr. Biafra waxes poetically and accurately that punk could only be killed off by corporations that could mass produce it to oblivion.

“Gold’s not dead!” was a reminder from Goldmoney co-founder Josh Crumb.

Fortunately, not even mining companies could kill gold by mass production because of the cost and energy to bring gold out of the ground.

Image source:

Josh says: “ Gold is simply a liquid real-asset with no time decay, no real cost of carry and no counter-party risk, yet it is scarce, has great elemental utility and an energy-intensive replacement cost.”

My interpretation of replacement cost means exploring, drilling, discovering, employing, building a mine, input costs such as oil and labor.... All of these make it very difficult to produce gold.

To put an exclamation point on this, we decided that we would get serious and produce a t-shirt with the sentiment.


While finanical news is flooded with information about cryptocurrencies (and as I have repeatedly stated there is nothing wrong with speculating on crypto) gold is without a doubt not dead!

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Gold protects your savings like no other vehicle. This is proven historically over and over. My favorite article of Josh’s is where he explains the technology of money from the perspective of Marty Mcfly of the classic movie “Back to the Future.” (And I swear Josh is building a flux capacitor).

You cannot miss this article. Read it to find out why Gold’s Not Dead!

In this post fiat, post crypto world, it is important to keep perspective. We can speculate on crypto and other assets, but let’s not forget what money is and what money has been for thousands of years.

We can fortify our portfolios while enjoying Its beauty.

We can protect our savings while reveling in its power.

We can ringfence our accumulated wealth while celebrating its history.


Lets all shout together!!


Thanks for this inspiration Josh!!! <——— @joshcrumb on Twitter


Thanks for reading everyone!

For Mene 24k investment jewelry:


To find out more about what Menē 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry is from your fellow Steemians :

To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians :

To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here:

For Mene 24k investment jewelry here:

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

Read more about Goldmoney:

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Gold is a rare metal but, it is valued for its beauty, its usefulness as jewerly and its rarity. Gold can never die though its very rare in the universe.
According to Dana Berry and SkyWorks Digital, Inc. rare gold elements are gotten from colliding neutron stars which is gamma-ray bursts.
Gold is scarce but not dead. Its cost of production is usually very high, thereby making it scarce. Also, when the price of gold reduces, buyers tend to come out and buy the little available ones, and sellers go away. This makes the gold very rare.

Therefore, its best to buy a gold item now because, its a hedge to inflation.
Its certain that gold can never be dead.

@goldmatters, thanks for sharing.

You said that perfectly

That t-shirt is awesome @goldmatters! Of course I would like to get one someday!
All gold stackers are anarchists at heart! We don't need your fractional reserve banking system!

I’m rather proud of it :)

It is sweet! I bet @kafkanarchy84 would love to get one too!

I know this post is not the most recent, but I could not help but to support the campaign Gold is not dead. This reminds me of the movie God's not dead😊😊
Since the advent of cryptocurrencies, alot of people have said that gold is dying, but that's not true. According to my research and experience, there are many reasons why cryptocurrencies will never replace gold.

  • For one, cryptos are strictly forms of currency, whereas gold has many other time-tested applications, from jewelry to dentistry to electronics.

  • Unlike cryptos, gold doesn't require electricity to trade. When there is no electricity, crypto are useless. This makes gold especially useful in situations such as hurricane-ravished Puerto Rico, where 95 percent of people are reportedly still without power. Right now the island's economy is cash-only. If you have gold jewelry or coins, they can be converted into cash-all without electricity or WiFi.

  • Finally, gold remains one of the most liquid assets, traded daily in well-established exchanges all around the globe. Every day, some £13.8 billion, or $18 billion, worth of physical gold are traded in London alone, according to the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). The cryptocurrency market, although expanding rapidly, is not quite there yet.

So let's not fidget, gold is going nowhere. It's not even close to half its life, talk more about being dead. GOLD IS NOT DEAD

Lol I love your passion @lucyc

Gold's not dead it's forever, u can't destroy it and nothing on earth is as beautiful or has ever been as revered by man. Wars were fought and millions of people have been killed to bask in its glory. I think about that sometimes when I'm holding old coins, if they could only talk and tell me where they've been and who else had held them..powerful shit

So true

great post.. GOLD will never die!!!

yeahh, just to see if you were awake ;-)

What a timely post! I just received a text from one of my good friends that said:

"I sometimes wonder if cryptocurrencies are a massive psy-op to get people to not buy gold and silver"

I told him that could be true, but if so may backfire big time as there are many out there who are putting profits from cryptocurrencies into the physical stuff!

P.S. I love the AU in the shirt! Very creative!!

Ha ha !! Totally! And thanks!!! :)

The shirt is a head turner I bet!!

Love this shirt!! And very true argument about gold.

Thanks for reading my friend!

Gold always realize a very good job !!!
a french member of Mené & Bitgold

Great to hear!!!

Some punk gold here :

source: (online shop)

I love it!!!

Gold is timeless. The Bible first mentions gold in Genesis 2: 11,12. That gold is probably still around in some form. I'm hoping to replace my 10k wedding band with a Mene 24k band next month and get one for my husband as well😀.

Awesome!!! Your husband is going to love it!

bitcoin is one of the biggest opportunities since the invention of the internet itself.... great times to be around....




My second time around has gone a lot better. I'm investing more time into the community as opposed to just trying to make money.

Sounds familiar....

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Sounds good to me

Excellent update news, amazing post, thanks for sharing,,5] Nice post beautiful presented and explained. detail oriented with nice information. thank you for sharing


I encourage your perspective about gold and mine, but now crypto is the future, how it evolves and involve in the matter of life. i like your way of expressing your thoughts, wanna see more like this, actually this is informative, keep sharing and keep in touch.

Golds the past present and future holmes, it will never go anywhere. Cryptos are great but they're not gold, both are money but one is beautiful, industructable, has many tangible uses plus 4000k years of history behind it


Thanks for reading

This post has received a 1.87 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @goldmatters.


that's a great information...


Good information, but gold will never die no matter what currency is around or comes up. Simply because of weight, it's the same in the streets if your name holds weight you get notoriety. Plain and simple.

Yes I tend to agree

Excellent post, thanks for sharing


wow very nice post sir good information
