How To Make Money Fast With Blogging

in money •  7 years ago 

Well, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately the words blogging and fast are not synonymous.

If you're planning on starting a blog and you want to monetize it, especially building it up to a level where you can support yourself and all your expenses comfortably, it ain't gonna happen fast.

However, the great news is that while it's going to take to time, effort, and discipline to get it off the ground and gain some traction, the benefit of investing in building up a website that you have full control over is that it's a long-term asset that, if you structure it properly, can pay you residual passive income, with very little effort and maintenance, for a very long time.

So, Where Do You Start?

There's nothing really difficult about building a blog or website - from a technical side of things you just need to purchase a domain and setup a web hosting account and then connect the two.

Once you've done that it's as simple as installing a blogging platform like WordPress, which is free. And then selecting a professional WordPress theme.

After that's done, it's just a matter of creating or curating targeted content on a consistent basis.

And to get some traction sooner rather than later it's a great idea to start producing content targeting or answering questions about longer tail search phrases.

A long tail keyword is just a fancy way of saying a search query with multiple words like "how to make money blogging for beginners".

While longer search phrases don't get nearly as many searches as shorter queries, they are getting typed in and since they're so specific, and there's far less competition for that exact match, you will eventually start to siphon trickles of traffic to your site from the search engines for those phrases as well as related searches.

So, just think if you were to create hundreds of pieces of content for long tail keywords in specific niche...then you'll eventually start to get hundreds or even thousands of visitors to your website each month.

And traffic and eyeballs are really the main thing you're after if you want to make money online.

Once you have traffic, making money gets a whole lot easier.

All you have to do then is put relevant offers in front of that traffic and continue to split test and optimize those offers until you find the ones that convert the highest consistently.

From there, if you want to make more money, just create more related content for that one site, or you can diversify by creating several different sites in a variety of different niches.

If you want to learn more about how to create a sustainable passive income from scratch with blogging, I encourage you to enroll in my course SEO Affiliate Domination, where I teach you the exact same strategies and methods I've used to build up a six-figure per year income for myself using affiliate marketing and SEO (search engine optimization).

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