About WePower
WePower tackles the present issues of access to capital for the sustainable power source designers and gives access to interests in proftable tasks specifically for the fnal buyers, any sort of speculators and vitality showcase producers. This is finished utilizing the quick and straightforward route through shrewd contracts on blockchain. By utilizing innovation WePower comprehends the accompanying vitality advertise insufciencies:
Worldwide access to capital for efficient power vitality ventures
Worldwide efficient power vitality speculations
Exchanging and in addition speed and straightforwardness.
Sustainable power source engineers can pitch forthright piece of the vitality to be created later on. To influence it to quick, worldwide and straightforward, this vitality is tokenized and each power buy understanding turns into a brilliant contract. This guarantees liquidity.
On the opposite side, fnal purchasers, speculators and vitality advertise creators can purchase future vitality with a rebate and decrease the cost of the devoured vitality or make proft from cost diferences between the cost paid and the market cost at certain point in time when the vitality is delivered.
WePower is associated with the vitality foundation and vitality trade showcases keeping in mind the end goal to record information on blockchain, empower vitality exchanging and offering vitality specifically to the market, if there isn't sufficient request on the stage.
Once the volumes of sustainable power source with the assistance of WePower will build, the stage will turn into the cutting edge utility, utilizing blockchain, shrewd contract arrangements and conveying full straightforwardness to the vitality advertise. It will be founded on the center standards of decarbanization, democratization and decentralization.