This is really good advice for people who want to be responsible, Papa Pepper. I am not one of those people. I can help people save money, I can show them how to keep money, but I can't hold on to money at all. I have money then I spend money. I'll take people out to eat. I'll buy silly stuff just to be silly with. I'll give it to people if they are in need of it at the moment. I'm usually broke but I'm always happy. Money and the pursuit of it are anchors and I can't enjoy my life if I'm anchored. I will say this: I am jealous sometimes of people who do have savings for those incidentals that come with life because I never, ever do. That being said, I have been told by many people that they would love to be as carefree as me. It ain't easy to be me but it sure is a lot of fun!
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