RE: ALERT VIDEO: The US Dollar Continues To Dive, With No End In Sight! By Gregory Mannarino

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ALERT VIDEO: The US Dollar Continues To Dive, With No End In Sight! By Gregory Mannarino

in money •  8 years ago 

You forgot to add >>> "...of course if the dollar is getting its ass kicked it should mean both gold and silver should be rallying strongly. At least gold anyway, since the definition of inflation is a decrease in demand for the dollar. Falling dollar =inflation = rising precious metals prices...yet gold isn't rallying. So basically scratch what I just said about oil and the dollar because I obviously have no clue atall about what's going on." :-)

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Wow, your good joejoe! Thats exactly what I was missing, thanks for the addition, real high value content for everyone right there. Exciting stuff! I need to put you on retainer...

I prefer a pacifier...but I am open to suggestions of course. :-)

Nah man, you dont need anything, keep up the good work, your doing awesome...

Thanks. I'd upvote you but I found out today my votes are worth zero. :-) I see even Greg's are only worth .20 now. I'll be quitting once this site starts charging me to spew btw. :-)

Honestly man, the key is high quality post and content in like minded groups. I got about $9 in my first week from posting, Ill eventually convert it to Steem Power. Now when I upvote it jumps to .10-.30 every 5-6 upvotes. You need to pace yourself or else you run out of Steem...

I honestly don't care about the money making aspects of this site. I know that teh entire crypto market is a giant bubble that will implode. I've said it before...I'll say it again...I'd be "shocked!" if steemit is even around in 1 year. Nobody will be making any $$$ posting spews anyway. Once the epicenter of this particular Wall St bubble (Silly Con Valley, Cali) will steemit as the money dries up. I'm honestly here because I like the way the platform is setup. The only thing that is missing imo is that all spews should be timestamped. I think I upvoted maybe 100 times since I've been here and half of those were in a "joking" fashion. Blockchain technology will survive...and "perhaps" someday STEEM, BTC, ETC, ETH etc will be priced solely on the value of the technology. As long as the Wall St moneyrunners aren't doing the actual pricing there won't be a bubble. My minimum destination for the price of bitcoin is "whatever it was" when this first started trading on teh U.S. equity exchanges. This goes aaaaall the way back to the low on the chart...below $25. Actual bitcoin price has been and will continue to follow GBTC...and a "revisit" of that Aug 2015 low has already been "pre-ordained" by the past.

Btw, I've seen spews offering GRRREAT content such as "nice post" generate $5+ :-) Again, nothing but evidence of the tremendous misallocation of funds this place certainly is. It will all be ending soon...real soon.

I see your point and you could be correct , only time will tell. I believe Steem will be around after Facebook is. These steem crypto notes ensure free speech, that is why Steem Dollars etc will have value for a long time in the market place. I also enjoy reading what other smart people have to say, commenting and engaging with like minded humans. I dont really care about Steem income, its kind of a lazy persons pipe dream / joke in terms of a real wealth builder, my real job makes me more money in a month then most people make in a year so the point for me is, when I post somthing useful and a whale upvotes me, that essentially give me more Steem Power or Influence. The whole point is to help, hear and be heard, theres no point in being here if only 3 people are readying what you say...unless thats your goal.

My main objective is to log in my market commentary and have an easy, organized way to access it. Lots of people will claim to have "seen it coming" when the markets are trading 50% lower when they are now. I'll be able to prove that I called it right to the minute in many cases.