Is Gold Going To The Moon In 2018? - What You Need To Know!

in money •  7 years ago  (edited)

gold to the moon in 2018 thumbnail.png

In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the very real possibility that we could see a massive rally in the price of gold as well as silver in 2018 as gold breaks its 5 year bear market trend as the VIX collapses.

This is a key technical level and appears to show some great optimism going into 2018.

The Vix has fallen near its year's low as gold has found its way back to its 100 day moving average, the highest level it's seen in months!


Gold and silver are wealth insurance, not investments, but of course they've been heavily manipulated for centuries by banks, most notably since the 1930s by the Exchange Stabilization Fund which was actually funded with confiscated gold under FDR. But this is nothing compared to the artificial bear market we've seen since 2012 due to vast amounts of ETFs. The manipulative derivatives market is a much used tool of the banking system to suppress the value of a commodity. Well, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Scotia Bank, BNP Paribas, Bank of America among many others have been caught red-handed manipulating gold and silver markets in court.

This is all relative though. The banking system is reaching its innevitable end and with that, the pressure that's been building for decades within the gold and silver industries as they're used like a beach ball being shoved underwater, gaining momentum to bounce to the sky all the time, shows signs of weakness. There's an obvious appearance of desperation within the governments and monetary systems throughout the world and there's a good reason for that.

People are flooding out of the bond markets, the fiat system and that includes diversification between both gold, silver and of course cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, EOS and others. This is a renaissance right before our eyes and it's best for all of us to be financially responsible and self sustainable. We must prepare ourselves for freedom cannot be freedom without responsibility and with education comes action comes preparation comes liberty.

Let's protect our wealth and come to understand the system that depends on our dependency.

See the FULL video report here:

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your post is so fantastic, your post is so inspiration for me and all the steemit users, I am proud of you ... I love all your posts, you are fantastic in making a post, may the victory and goodness side with your work. Thank you..

That’s a pity I sold my gold

You can buy it again, or at least you can buy ETFs such as GLD or IAU.

I've been buying more silver, but maybe I should get some more gold!

This is awesome, been meaning to put together a nice gold propaganda piece. I’m expecting, at minimum, a big early year bounce like we have seen the past few years. Maximum expectation crushes golds previous run high of 1900ish. If the dollar wheels start to wobble, look out above. Remember cryptos rely on infrastructure, physical gold does not.

Good Point! No counterparty risk, no one knows where or how much silver I have except @fishyculture and myself. We don't need permission from any bank, person or bot to spend as we see fit. Also no change in politics or financial paradigms are going to reduce the industrial need for silver.

As the two smart guys said in the video, all these electronics rely on silver! With great manipulation comes great pay off for the truly patient

That indeed is my hope. I think they had 14700 tons of silver tied up in the Manhattan project to make electromagnets for plutonium enrichment, which they had borrowed from the US treasury. I think they are now using that silver to prolong the eventual end of manipulations. We continue to deplete our above ground silver supply it has to end some day. I hodling silver!!

very interesting history there

Even during this crypto run, I've held back from selling my original hedge against a collapsing financial paradigm - silver. I agree that 2018 could be a big year as precious metals finally break out of the manipulated pattern they've been in the last 5 years. I also advise people that are all-in on crypto to make sure they hedge against the future by buying some gold when their portfolios get big enough. You can buy gold now directly with BTC on APMEX and liquidate it anywhere without identification, so there's the added benefit of it being harder for the taxman to track. Resteemed.

Same here, I have held MOST of my silver during this time as it is still an amazing hedge against both the failing fiat system, but also a hedge against the cryptos in a worst case scenario of them failing as well.

I would agree, but the derivatives market will not let gold or silver do much.

Agreed futures market has killed it, gold is very evil if your trying to make a quick buck but it will be a lot more stable than crypto if your lucky you might get a 10% move either way.

If gold is gunna moon, does that mean silver is gunna Mars?

I think so!! Everyone in my family gets a silver round for christmas and their birthday. My grandkids call it "big money" even as children they can tell. We have toddlers down with silver coins and fiat coins, they naturally prefer playing with the silver. Still going to be acquiring crypto as another store of wealth, but as my name suggest I am long silver.

Well you really put an effort in it. Resteemed,upvoted.

its awesome post and thanks for this useful information

Gold is a bidirectionally tradable investment medium that can be used as a currency to produce elevated levels of uncorrelated alpha that every portfolio would benefit from.

Financial poetry :)

I've seen a lot of people suggesting that silver will spike too. What's your opinion on diversifying investment between the precious metals?

You spelled 'bitcoin' wrong, bitcoin is going to the moon, and it will take gold down. this spelling mistake might be confusing ...

Both are going to the moon which is something we explain in depth in the above video...

Thanks for the information

Thank you very much for the perfect post

market peices are very difficult to predict

much appreciated

I do not know about this gold. But I have an interest in learning.

Study any history ever!

Never base short-term investments on a long-term scenario. Helped me a lot.

P.S. If people really leave the bond markets... it will shatter the world as we know it

good!! In the world as we know it bankers have stolen 90% of the people wealth!! good riddance to the banks and may the government follow suit quickly. Im long silver and an agorist.

The same story year after year. And almost the same price year. Life is too short for waiting for gold an silver to go up.

Thank you very much for the perfect post

I hope so, as my pension money is in gold


thanks for the info

Another great video guys. Interesting about gold and silver's "lasting prosperity". Keep up the great work!

The rumor of gold skyrocketing in 2018 has not eluded me. Where are you guys buy it ? Im thinking about investing. Greets

Would try to find the most reputable place near u if u want physical gold & make sure it’s real. There are always counterfeits in circulation

Maybe we will see a renaissance of precious metals. It’s been some time since they peaked. Especially if the crypto markets become more heavily scrutinized, the old shiny safe havens may benefit...

Thanks for the update and information. I have stacking silver for a decade now always waiting the manipulation to end, so far no luck. I am always surprise at the rabbits they can pull out of their @55, etfs, futures and out and out market fixing. I am not sure that crypto is not the next rabbit pulled out to move rebellious investors away from gold and silver. Who know what they will come up with next. I am splitting resources and investing in silver and crypto. Best of luck to us alll.

thats a great news feed..thanks for sharing..carry on my friend..

I'm liking that SILVER Prices :)

I think people will invest in gold in 2018 as volatility in BTC scares them more and more. I have never invested in gold and found myself looking to invest the other day. If that thought came to me and I have no interest in precious metals, it will be surely be acted on my countless others.

Great article .. Resteemed!

I see cryptos as being very good for gold and silver.

Thanks for the video! In my opinion its hard for people to invest in gold/silver because they don't see an immediate return. Most are waiting and wishing for that moment it takes off in hopes of collecting profits. Many have been waiting for decades. Using it as a form of wealth preservation is the key here. JP Morgan does know something, perhaps hoarding for a chance to be a key player in manipulation once silver rises.

Good read. There is certainly an emphasis on gold and silver to reach the "moon" however, crypto will play a major role in the value and potential of precious metals. It truly is a wait and see scenario.

Hey I am still relatively new to all this
How can gold moon ? What does that mean ?

Would investing in bitshares backed gold and silver assets work just as well as investing in actual gold and silver?

Gold and silver look to take off if the bond market and stock market take a dive, @marketreport called this a bit back

Depends if u r trying to get paper gains or hold actual insurance. Metal derivatives will do great if the market leans risk off, but if there is a more severe crash than the last, which is highly possible, u may not have access to those gains, so physical metals may provide safety, but won’t yield like the paper.

what a post wow...

please check my own in this regard @bilalchaudhary/best-wishes-on-new-year-little-bit-advance

This post is so unique and bizarre yet interesting at the same time, after a year f reading about bitcoin, reading about gold is refreshment to my eyes and economic brain, thanks for sharing that

I like to think that crypto's was able to wake people up from their fiat dream. Not directly into reality, but in a semi-awake state and beginning to make noises.

well said. once the lie of fiat is totally exposed people will flood to alternatives. I really like the idea of cryptocurrency for day to day use and internet transactions. I like the metals for long term wealth storage, no counterparty risk. and no need for computers or the internet. copper and silver pipes and wire carry water and electricity, as for myself I have carried enough water taking care of animal and enough electricity brushing up against the electric fence. So the will alway be people that want pipes and wires always. I'm @longsilver

Great post there, keep up good work !

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Nice post

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Thanks for sharing such a helpful video

Can I donate Bitcoin Cash?

Do you think the raise of federal funds rate in 2018 would adversely affect the gold and silver prices?