The Dollar WILL Crash By Design! - Josh Sigurdson on Spread-The-Word with Debra Cochran

in money •  7 years ago 


Here I'm interviewed on Spread-The-Word with Debra Cochran and Team on August 4th, 2017.

During the interview, I talk about why the monetary system is doomed to fail, how central planning perpetuates debt, inflation and devaluation as well as the main agenda of the global establishment to implement a global centrally planned cashless society which enslaves the individual to the government and banking system.

I also go into solutions. The solutions are even more important than the reality of the coming global fiat crash. As interest rates are slightly pushed up, this will result in the central bankers attempting to lower them to prolong the crash, but it won't work this time. This is why people have to have food, water, shelter, defense (guns) and sound money. Diversification is key! Gold, silver and cryptocurrencies!

Finally, I go into what individual liberty means to me!

See the FULL interview here:

You can find 'Spread-The-Word with Debra Cochran and Team' here:

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This I why I hate central planning of the economy. The idea that 13 people have enough control to prop-up the economy and crash it on demand and we the people are not aloud to know what's going on makes me sick to my stomach. #EndTheFed


Fiat currency and central banking are the biggest fraud to ever exist! END THE FED.

On previous era, people slave by chain
On this era, people slave by debt

This is why i hate fiat money, but still needed

Start Stackin Cryptos, Gold, Silver and AMMO lol

That's no joke. Water filtration, all water in the USA has toxic chemicals in it. Stop eating GMO, it fucks with your DNA.

It's like playing Monopoly and one player owns two thirds of the property and most of the bank. Foregone conclusion. It's amazing that information like this is considered 'left-field'... Well, it's likely by design.

Everyone should have stored water and food for at-least two weeks, longer is better. Natural disasters happen, if for no other reason be prepared for them.

Excellent interview.
upvoted, resteemed and tweeted

Keep it up Josh.

The dollar is essentially built on debt. The fall is imminent but of course, there will be the big guys with power that will do their best to extend the fall.

Not essentially, entirely. Most of the inflation is hidden, but it'll devalue 50% in 1 day when the news breaks.

The dollar is already falling in a lot of counties , and their is a big debt on the united states dollar so when it falls , a lot of country will feel the pinch , nice article

No doubt Dollar rate will fall but crypto currencies depends on the market as if now it has growth , but some day this fall and if it falls than invisible currency will be invisible.
Thanks for sharing @joshsigurdson

Again, thank you for your work man.
Would love to get a beer with you some day. Beer's on me. ;)

Nice interview yet again. Sooner or later the dollar will certainly crash., thank God for crypto currency :) Thank you for sharing

it'll be started within weeks.