Ever the idealist here, I believe that Gregory's viewpoint is old school. One must never underestimate the power of a revolution. Crypto is the bloodless revolution we have been looking for. It absolutely unseats centralized power and authority. It sends banks to the outer edges of the universe while at the same time replaces them with millions of people now living in the center of power. That's called decentralization. For the previous 30 years, we (futurists) have labored in the fields of centralization working toward it's weakening. Finally, the work paid off. Crypto was born. Crypto revolutionizes everything. It turns the old system inside out and stands it on it's head. It explodes the establishment. It cleans it's clock and moves time forward. It creates the new culture. Anyone who is tuned into the revolution has kept their money in the market. Only the greedsters of the old order have sold and that is what we are seeing in the price drops. Good riddance. First and foremost Crypto is a revolution and second it's funding the change and making a profit.
This isn't the valley of the shadow of death, except for the greedsters. For the rest of us it's offloading excess unproductive baggage that slows us down. Now is the time to buy buy buy and wave byebye to the greedballs.