When I was younger and discovered this whole crazy concept of making a living online, my only want and thought process was to make some cold hard cash. I was going in 20 different directions and trying out anything i came in to contact with. I had no clue of the kinds of things I was doing wrong, if i even recognized the mistakes at all. Through trial and error and making friends with like minded people I came to a dawning realization that there are 5 common mistakes being made by new marketers each and every day. I am here today to share them with anyone willing to listin. Here they are.
Joining each and every network you come across is not a good starting point. I too am guilty of this one. When I was starting out if it sounded cool I would join. Now don't get me wrong. I am a firm believer in having multiple streams of cash coming in, it will get to the point where you have way too much on your plate and it starts to become unmanageable. Be smart when choosing affiliate networks. Make intelligent decisions based on reviews and other affiliates. And not on the cool sounding name or website.
most newbies become salesmen as opposed to a helping hand. Now you might be asking yourself "I thought I WAS a salesman Joe, what do you mean people become salesmen ?". Look, I get it. We are marketers. We market products. We sell things. All that is true. BUT... Who would you rather go to for help. A salesman, which we all know aren't the funnest people to be around. Or a friend that just so happens to sell the same thing you need to fix or do whatever it is that you are doing ? You need to help the customer learn why it is that they need this product. Don't just throw an affiliate link at them with a bunch of articles surrounding it with huge red arrows pointing at the link with a huge "BUY NOW" graphic harrasing their eyeballs. Thats not fun. For anyone. People want to hear from other people when deciding whether or not to buy something. Thats the reasoning as to why product reviews online are so powerful. Actual feedback from actual people that can care less whether or not the product is being sold enough times to break even. When we can relate and talk like your just another person reviewing the product, as opposed to a gimmicky pushy salesman, you will see that the customer will not only buy from you but will come back in the future for advice on other purchases.
Not comparing your product to other similar products online can become a huge factor as to whether or not the conversion will take place. When people go into buy mode, they usually have 2 or 3 in mind and need that little bit of help deciding which to go with. By doing the comparison myself, it might relieve the workload your customer has taken on in order to find the perfect buy. You are essentially taking that extra step for them by making comparisons, which means they do less. The less they do the more comfortable they will be with you. You will start becoming that friend and stop being the salesman. Plus, not only will I seem like I'm going the extra mile for my customers but I now have multiple affiliate links being clicked and compared as opposed to the one link I would have if I skipped this step. The chance for conversion has multiplied and at the same time you seem to be genuinely helping them out.
Dont be that douchebag in a forum claiming how his new method has banked him 34 000 dollars within a time span of 37 hours or some crazy claim like that. Oh how I despise those people. Don't fall into those tactics. Please. If you are starting out and you want to promote within the make money online communities don't make false claims. If you asked me my opinion I would say that you shouldn't make any claims at all. Of course you can talk about your product. Promotion is only natural. It's part of the game. But don't become a scam artist. Tricking people in to buying is the fastest way to ruin your credibility and your credibility is one of the foundation blocks needed to make this money generating house of cards.
The last mistake I want to talk about is tracking Or should I say the lack of. Not tracking can be a huge kink in this armor made of digital money. When first starting out , Amazon was my favorite when it came to products I can promote. But I never used tracking links. The reason that this is a mistake is simple . Whenever you sell something you want to know where the sale originated. That way you know which links on what pages are working and which aren't . Of course making commission is fun and exciting but knowing how you made it and with what is what makes you a real and successful marketer. If you can take that sale and learn from it then duplicate it repeatedly then you are well on your way.
Becoming a successful affiliate marketer isent easy, and it takes a lot of self motivation and the ability to focus and concentrate. This Isen't something most of us are born with but need to acquire it ourselves. Once you can pinpoint the mistakes causing you to lose profits you can correct them. Making mistakes obsolete is your goal and a sure fire way to make your online business a long term profitable endeavor. Now go out there and make that money.
follow me @killinhersoftly
(pictures from newuploads4u.com needtshirtsnow.com and adcheetah.com)