Why Your 9-5 Might Not Be So Bad

in money •  7 years ago 

Strong buildings need foundations to become amazing pieces of architecture. Just like buildings, our lives also need foundations so that we can do creative and wonderful things.


The "9-5" job gets a lot of stick because of the connotations that come with it. Lack of freedom. Bad managers. Same old routine. However, we can break out of this mindset if we consider what the 9-5 can provide.

Stable income. A community of coworkers that become like family. Opportunity to advance and take on additional responsibility. If you master your 9-5 job, these aspects can give us the confidence to spend our hours away from the office working on our own pursuits.

Every strong building needs a foundation. A stable job that provides you with the income and network to invest in other areas of your life is a pretty good foundation.

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I totally agree with you, I study business and people alway tell me that I'm going to have a 9-5 job in a negative manner. The positives that you elaborate on are very good and should not be downgraded to something bad.

@nordal It's all about your mindset and the way you approach things.