Restoring the Lost Republic (6 PART SERIES): Part 6 – Conclusion & Quotes from U.S. Presidents

in money •  7 years ago 

Restoring the Lost Republic (6 PART SERIES)

1 – Money, Currency, Debt, & Credit Backgrounder
2 – The Legitimacy of the Federal Government in Washington D.C.
3 – Department of the Treasury & The Federal Reserve (The Fed)
4 – The 16th Amendment and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
6 – Conclusion & Quotes from U.S. Presidents

In Part 1 – Money, Currency, Debt, & Credit Backgrounder of this 6-part series, we explored the difference between money, currency, debt, and credit.

In Part 2 – The Legitimacy of the Federal Government in Washington D.C. we looked at some historical facts regarding the federal government and learned more about the nation's capital - Washington D.C. We also posed many questions including whether Washington D.C. and the United States itself are corporations.

In Part 3 – Department of the Treasury & The Federal Reserve we examined who has the legal authority to issue money in the United States focusing on Congress, the US Department of Treasury, and the US Federal Reserve.

In Part 4 – The 16th Amendment and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) we learned that the IRS has no constitutional authority to levy taxes on income; all the revenue collected from income tax goes to pay the interest on the debt and not a cent goes to the services provided by the federal government; and that basically, the IRS is merely a collection agency for the Federal Reserve.

In Part 5 – 3-POINT ACTION PLAN we looked at 3 steps the average American can take to regain control of their country.

In Part 6 – Conclusion & Quotes from U.S. Presidents we will distinguish between the root cause of the nation’s ills and its symptoms as well as conclude the series while taking a look back at some famous quotes from former U.S. Presidents on the subject matter.



Part 6 – Conclusion & Quotes from U.S. Presidents


In summary, most of the ills of the nation stem from a rotten central banking system conceived, designed, and established by greedy, dishonest, and immoral banksters and the financial elite for their exclusive benefit; this is the root cause.

Don’t confuse the root cause with the symptoms:

  • The corrupt congressmen and congresswomen (145) (with the sole exception of former House representative Ron Paul) and their failed policies (including their approval of countless wars (146,147,148,149,150,151,152) which have killed millions) which are continuously fueled by their acceptance of dirty bribes by powerful lobby groups, big banks, and industry cartels (153,154,155). Countless examples can be found in the sectors of health care (156), pharmaceuticals (157), the military-industrial-complex (158,159,160), and so on.

  • The offshoring of jobs by American corporations (161,162,163,164,165,166) fueled by more failed congressional policies and greedy corporations who are interested in funneling profits almost exclusively to their shareholders (at the costly detriment of their other stakeholders: their employees, customers, communities, and the environment). In addition, by moving most of their operations overseas, these large corporations have sheltered themselves from paying corporate taxes in the U.S. (167,168,169,170,171). This level of greed has unquestionably destroyed the prospect of sustained growth and employment for future generations of Americans.

  • An Orwellian Surveillance State (172,173,174,175,176,177) and the Militarization of Police Forces (178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185) across the country. I don’t believe I need to expand too much on these two aspects of American society, as most of you are already aware of the fundamental changes which have taken place over the past decades. Instead, we could pose some pertinent questions. What is the motivation behind the government (through its respective spy agencies such as the CIA, NSA, and countless others) undertaking such mass surveillance programs on its own people? Why are they spending so much money and devoting so much time and effort on these endeavors which contribute next to nothing to our society? Couldn’t that time and money be better spent on more productive programs (such as infrastructure rebuilding for instance) to help boost the economy? Are they afraid of the 300 million+ firearms that are currently in the possession by American citizens? Are they anticipating and worried about mass riots which may occur across the country when the next financial meltdown and inevitable demise of the U.S. dollar rears its ugly head?

All these are mere symptoms of the larger root cause. Everything comes down to money and power.

If we really want to remove the cancer that plagues this nation we must attack the root cause, not the symptoms. It’s the only way it will ever work! Once the rotten central banking cartel is eliminated, a natural course of events will follow that will restore an economic system with more honest and efficient financial and monetary markets. Only then will the Republic have a chance to regain its former glory.

Quotes from U.S. Presidents


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Thank you.

Although I have only been on Steemit for 2 months now (at the time this series was posted) and not that many people have seen this series, I would still like to thank those who took the time to read it, offered thoughtful comments, and re-steemed / shared it with others.

I would't surprise me to re-read this book in 20, 50, or even 100 years from now and find that the same mistakes will have been repeated; let's hope it doesn't come to that!

Meanwhile, for all those Americans who have read it, I do sincerely hope you follow the advice in the 3-STEP ACTION PLAN not only to protect yourself but also your fellow countrymen.

God Bless.


(146) My Last Words to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, by Tomas Young (Open Letter),
(147) Deaths In Other Nations Since WW II Due To Us Interventions, by James A. Lucas,
(148) A Green Light for the American Empire, by Ron Paul from the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity,
(149) America Imperialisms death toll on the world: 27,000,000+,
(150) Historical Tradition of American Empire War and Genocidal Crimes Against Humanity (,
(151) One million dead (Iraq),
(152) US NATO War Agenda (,
(153) Lobbying Database (,
(154) Top Interest Groups Giving to Members of Congress, 2014 Cycle (,
(155) 10 of the Biggest Lobbies in Washington (2011),
(156) Greed + Cartels = U.S. Sickcare/ObamaCare by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,
(157) Sicko – Michael Moore’s Documentary about the health care system and pharmaceutical industry in the United States,
(158) Military–industrial complex (Wikipedia),
(159) The Military Industrial Complex: A Capitalist System Running Amok (,
(160) ,
(161) The Offshore Outsourcing of American Jobs: A Greater Threat Than Terrorism, by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts,
(162) America R.I.P.: Death of the Middle Class, Offshoring of American Jobs, by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts,
(163) Outsourcing and Offshoring in the Global Economy: US Corporations Moving to Offshore Tax Havens, by Bob Chapman,
(164) Offshoring has Destroyed the US Economy, by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts,
(165) Globalization Creates Unemployment: American Job Loss Is Permanent, by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts,
(166) Capitalism: A Love Story – a documentary film by Michael Moore,
(167) 20 big profitable U.S. companies paid no taxes, by Matt Krantz,
(168) Many big U.S. corporations pay very little in taxes: study (Reuters),
(169) 26 top American corporations paid no federal income tax from ’08 to ’12 – report (,
(170) 26 Major Corporations Paid No Corporate Income Tax For The Last Four Years, Despite Making Billions In Profits, by Pat Garofalo,
(171) 30 Major Corporations Paid No Income Taxes In The Last Three Years, While Making $160 Billion , by Pat Garofalo,
(172) Private Police: Mercenaries for the American Police State, by John W. Whitehead (via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity),
(173) The American Surveillance State Is Here. Can It Be Evaded?, by John W. Whitehead (via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity),
(174) Surveillance State Wins - Senate Votes To Allow NSA Bulk Data Collection To Continue (Zero Hedge),
(175) Why The Surveillance State Must Be Erased, by Brandon Smith (,
(176) How America's Surveillance State Breeds Conformity and Fear, by Glenn Greenwald,
(177) The US Has Become A Worse Police State Than Orwell Could Imagine, by Paul Craig Roberts,
(178) The Founding Fathers Fought the Revolutionary War to Stop the Type of Militarized Police We Now Have In the U.S (WashingtonsBlog),
(179) Across America, Police Departments Are Quietly Preparing For War (Zero Hedge),
(180) Mapping The Militarization Of America's Police Force Since 2006 (Zero Hedge),
(181) The Police State Is Upon Us, by Paul Craig Roberts,
(182) What Is The Real Agenda Of The American Police State?, by Paul Craig Roberts,
(184) INFOWARS – Police State,
(185) Police State USA: Authorities’ Hearing on Regulating Political Speech on Blogs, YouTube Videos and Independent News Websites, by Michael Snyder,

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