CM-1 – Chaos Monitaur now on Steemit – Documenting the ongoing financial crisis, in all its misery and horror

in money •  7 years ago  (edited)

No Recovery

Since 2008, Chaos Monitaur has watched the long, drawn-out implosion of the global financial system. Clearly, there has been NO recovery from the 2008 crash; instead, we’ve been witnessing nothing more than a long, excruciatingly slow train wreck.

Soon, however, there will be a reckoning, as we are now in the tail end of an “everything bubble” of epic proportions.  The massive debt burdens of nations and institutions will become increasingly onerous and unsustainable, and the trillions of dollars in derivatives will tumble to their true value – or lack of same. And the central bankers across the globe will lose control of their fiat-money regimes and their frail economies.

Sordid History, Scary Future

This is history in the making. Since the 1913 creation of the private bank known as the Federal Reserve … since Nixon “closed the gold window” in 1971 … since the 1999 repeal of Glass-Steagall … and since the 2008 “failures” (for lack of a better word) of numerous too-big-to-fail institutions, the story of our financial system has become increasingly sad, sorry, sordid, and scary. Unfortunately, the story is true. It will be revealed in all its misery here on Chaos Monitaur (CM).

CM will report the pertinent events and trends of these gloomy times. We will review the misguided policies and the absurd, boneheaded strategies that brought us to this point, and will observe and document the ongoing collapse of the house of cards that is the global economy. We will include summaries of various publications, as well as links to commentaries from insightful observers far and wide. The reading / viewing will not be pleasant, but it will be informative.   

Tick, tock ... ... Tick, tock.    

For Your Edification – Clear and Concise Posts 

The intent of CM is to inform and educate the general reader. Therefore, we will avoid specialist and abstruse terminology, and will present all the content in layman’s terms – for your ease of reading and ease of understanding.  

All CM posts will be brief, easy-to-digest summaries comprising 5–10 paragraphs. Also, most posts will include links to other readings or to videos relating to the topic – for your further edification.  

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