1/22/18. Post Market Wrap Up PLUS: The US Dollar Is Evaporating, Have A Look For Yourself! By G. Mannarino

in money •  7 years ago 


Gregory Mannarino

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Thank You, Gregory, Upvoted and Resteemed.

Thanks again Greg, much appreciated.


awesome your post.
thanks for sharing

Don't understand why Gregory would buy CAT at this level given MACD is about to cross lower.

nice video re-steem

Thanks for stocks.... trading inforamation it is always useful to us.
Upvoted & resteemed

Resteemed and upvoted The Robin Hood

Upvote and Resteem done.

Resteemed and upvote Mr Robin hood

I'm been losing money recently since I thought the RSI of stocks are very overbought and all those QQQ puts that I bought have been down the drain. Sigh.

I here ya I have shorted this market so many times and it just won't die.

resteem and upvote

Listened/upvoted/resteemed...your two daily videos are the highlights of my day! Probably a lot of others here too! Thx!
I'm a rookie, and I don't want the dollars in my wallet. #fake

thanks for share best of luck carry on

Yes, Excellent Info.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

i always like your efforts for good anylisis on market sir @upvote and

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

resteem and upvote

I watch your video twice but I don't understad very well I checked your web site are you talking about this chart?

sir your best job for all of us appciriciate your give us good signals on market daiyl @marketreport

really a good work for your predtions on market with your videos and posts greg sir

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

marketreport sir you give me always true infromtaion and opinions thanx sir for this

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

thanx sir for this always help us with your videos @upvote and

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

resteem and upvote

Upvoted and resteemed.

Amazing participant Thank you very much for sharing and sharing information

I like to watch your every blogs.
Upvoted and Resteemed!

Upvote and Resteem done mr. Robinhood.

Very useful informations @marketreport

Uff crypto bloodbath... Any bet how long this will go on @marketreport ? UPVOTE as usual !

Resteemed and upvoted The Robin Hood

Resteemed and upvoted The Robin Hood

Resteemed and upvoted The Robin Hood

Video useful du important information
Thanks for your support and for

upvote resteemit done

upvote resteemit done..

upvote restmeet done

Upvoted and resteemed.
Thanks for your market update Robin Hood @marketreport

@marketreport ...If the USD would be a stock, I would short it until my hands bleed.

Very informative. Resteemed.

Please adopt homeless pets. https://animalfoundation.com/

lovely day with you @marketrepodt

upvoted and restemeed

The Robin Hood @marketreport

Thanks for the latest market update Greg. The Fed claims to be unwinding its balance sheet yet the the markets are getting juiced by free money that the ECB is pumping out and by the Bank of Japan. Former Goldman Sachs analyst Nomi Prins has a new book out which details how central banks carefully coordinate their activities to make sure that someone is taking up the slack and is pumping out free money that finds its way into asset bubbles all over the world.
In the US the stock market will get another boost from the Trump tax cuts which James Howard Kunstler has called a form of QE by the backdoor. As you know that the 1% will not invest their tax rebates into R&D or new plant and machinary. Rather, it will go to fuel stock buybacks and further mergers and acquisitions. Here's to 30,000 on the Dow Jones this year!

That's a great information in your report @marketreport. Thanks for sharing

Hi! Gregory Mannarino, I see your recent updates on steemit..... thanks for share with us. @upvoted this post.

have a lovely lovely lovely day 😊@marketreport

upvote resteemed done

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think they will push up the SNP 500 until the end of the month.
10-2 Year Treasury Yield Spread Chart vs SNP500

Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 4.45.54 PM.png

Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 4.51.57 PM.png

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Awesome post sir

i am followed you aoly 2 week but i allreday see your all post you are a really helpfull man ....and i wish you can change our life .....and this video also amazing ....love you bro .....wish you best of luck @Resteem

upvoted and @resteem

Greg, did you ever see a chart of Venezuela's stock market? The country is in turmoil and the Bolivar is in hyperinflation. You need a wheel barrel of Bolivar to buy toilet paper. So what is the stock market doing? It is skyrocketing like a newly minted cryptocurrency. It is an analog to the US markets, although more severe. I am money-pro. Can you read my article? Tax Law Change 2018 - Roth 401(k) or Traditional 401(k)




  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Resteemed, and upvoted, Great Video as always Greg

Thanks for the update. Up up and away!!! The stock market is the only game in town.

Upvoted and Resteemed!

Resteem on upvote sir :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

upvote and @resteem

Upvoted! Thank you for your market updates and stock picks! They are much appreciated!

The robin hood :)

resteem and upvote !

Resteem and upvote sir

thank you for this information Mr gregory

Awesome post
Upvote and resteem


I don’t get it, I’m not surprised about S&P 500 breaking records, week dollar is helping, but small cups should benefit from strong dollar instead and it’s breaking the highs as well.

great news, your video is amazing,
thanks for information,

@upvoted and resteemed


good work dear

Resteem and upvote @Marketreport Robin Hood

Resteemed and upvote thanks sir @marketreport

Upvoted & resteemed !
Thanks for such a valuable information to us.
Keep posting

Thanks for the video sir! Upvoted.

Congrats on the gains! :)

Upvoted. Thanks Greg

upvote restmet done

thank you very much dear....

Is there ever going to be a point where the political circus in the USA will ever have an effect on the markets?

Resteemed and upvote Mr Robin hood

nice post sir !!

Good one resteem and upvote done

He is robin hood @marketreport

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Giddy Up Brother Greg! Thank you for laying everything out for us nice~nice on your site www.traderschoice.net ! I see you have a STEEM chart with other crypto's also - a good opp. for me to load a l'il SP for tha long haul brotherman! Rock On / STEEM On . . .

Greg, Thanks for adding in DXY to traderschoice.net, it's very helpful! Have a great week!

Upvote resteem

Nice job bro

Attack of the CryptoBots! Let's talk Cryptocurrency Market Manipulation - Bitcoin Ethereum litecoin -

resteem + upvot sir..

Resteemed and upvoted

Hello Greg, After years of money printing inflation is here. I sold 30% of my 401k Vdaix Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Index Fund Investor Shares and move it to my Self Directed Account. Profit of 42%. I'm a contrarian investor with majority of my investments in Gold Mining & Silver mining Stocks, and Physical Silver. Despite the Bankster's Derivative price suppression of Gold and Silver. I started buying Uranium mining Stock DNN about two months ago. The dollar is dropping which is good for commodities. The Fiat Monetary Ponzi Scheme is almost over. When the system collapses peoples wealth will be measure by the ounces of precious metal they own not by the worthless paper their holding.

Upvoted resteemed nice wrap up.

Yes sir resteemed and upvote

Usd is heading towards going lower then 70.00 from here

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My counry's currency is pegged to the U.S. dollar. On top of that, our government's sold off all our gold. Guess we're screwed. Good job Canada!!😑 Upvoted and resteemed

Resteemed and upvote Mr robin hood

Thanks Greg, this is my first post. I finally got on Steemit. Up voted and resteemed.

Resteemed and upvoted The Robin Hood

Amazing information

Thanks for the insightful update. After looking at the usd dollar chart, i would definetely not buy it.

Bye bye US Dollar, keep stacking, and steeming

your anylesis on stock and market and predictions are always good and i always need its greg sir i also

Thanx for the $ chart...
What is that I see... #FAKEMARKETS
Everybody dump the dollar... send them all to me... stat!!!!

Thanks for sharing!

I am just getting started on steemit and this inform interested steemer's .

nice video

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

wow amazing video this super...re-steem

resteem and upvote sir 🙋‍♀️

We should have bought NFLX calls.

upvoted & resteemed