Fake Markets. By Gregory Mannarino

in money •  6 years ago 


Lions/friends. When I say that this market is fake, I mean it is 100% totally and absolutely not-real. There exists absolutely no real price discovery mechanism what so ever. Suppressed interest rates have created EPIC distortions, and this will continue until it doesn't.

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What is yr answer to this?

"...until it doesn't."

And then, you left the fire and climbed out of the cave and saw the sky... and nothing was the same ever again.

That remark "until it doesn't" prompted me almost to post a similar comment. I would like Greg to do a video on prepping. He does not talk about it very much, but judging from his overall comments I expect his attic to be stuffed with supplies.

It slips out now and then, but it is not what he is into.

Listen to this weeks Greg Hunter - Greg Mannarino video.
Greg drops some of that stuff.

But seriously, the prepper stuff is dead. A dead end.
Things are not going to go back to normal.
There won't be a crash of the dollar, and a new Bretton Woods system.

There is going to be an ice age,
along with the giant Ag corp crashing
while the monocrop culture fails to provide
during a monetary collapse... neh, a complete remaking of money into cryptos.

So, right now i would look at a farm, and a huge greenhouse with as much passive solar heating as you can design.

I feel that Greg Mannarino is wrong about going back to a two tier system. The rich who have made money off of skimming off the FED, etc. are going to go away. They may have a stock pile of gold, but no one will take it. Gold may even go to $0.

But, also at this same time look at green, local energy sources to come on-line. Look for communities being built practically in the middle of nowhere (road, electricity, water, transport-wise) because those things won't matter. Watch for garage businesses to take off.

But, but, corporations will take over the world for a few decades as govern-cements collapse. But they too will collapse as their product becomes worthless.