MUST WATCH: The Financial System Is Being Weaponized. By Gregory Mannarino

in money •  7 years ago 


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The Steem blockchain will, in the long run, remake finances.

Right now, we are in stealth mode. They won’t know what hit them until it is too late.

once china dump the debt its gameover

great job mr. thank you ... upvoted and resteemed

Completely agree with you, today’s market is fake, rigged and overinflated. And this will probably continue until it doesn’t. Thanks to YOU I have not been shorting this market. I was also doing other things you recommended and so far I’m happy. Thank you Robin Hood!


haha that's like me here in the UK

@marketreport thanks sir upvote and resteemed

Great video my friend ...Resteemit sir..
I will wait for your new video..

Great information..

@markjackson1989 The only problem for China is: Who is going to buy their stuff when the US is bankrupt?

vote and resteemed

hello how do you earn all this SP? @markjackson1989

Would they not lose their biggest customer if they were to dump all their US debt? Who would buy everything they produce?

Bravo! Thanks for all that you do, keeping us mainstream informed! Its wonderful on hearing what you have to say and keeping it simple with all the financial jargon that most of us are not aware because we haven't been trained in the financial realm as you have been. I have learned a lot from watching your videos, even though I have been trading for 10 years. Everything you say makes perfect sense to me. I'm an avid watcher to your videos and look forward to it everyday. Thanks again!

The house of cards of getting more fragile by the day :(

Thanks for the update. I think the reason why Trump is taking ownership of the recent stock market gains is because he knows that some major event is on the horizon that will bring down the markets. He will be vindicated and the event will be held responsible for the crash. Upvoted.

Always resteem and upvote boss

great job mr. thank you ... upvoted and resteemed

Upvote and Resteemed

upvote and resteemed

I don't know. I think Trump takes that ownership of the stock market with him, rise or fall, and if the market does fall and Trump wants to save face, the better option would have been to continue to disavow the market like he was doing on the campaign trail. But hell, this market may never fall at the rate it's going! We shall see.

Upvote and Resteemed sir

Just before this was posted, Gregory, I watched all these videos on Independent news about China ramping up their military to defend against U.S.'s massive military strength. I thought to odd, considering how smart Chinese people are...they are clearly in the driver's seat holding all our debt in the form of U.S. Treasuries (promissory notes that U.S.


upvote and resteem done

upvote and resteem


restemed and upvote

upvote and reasteam done sir

me too upvoted and resteemed

upvoted and resteemed

Same to you dear..Jogote and resteemit done..

good video thank you ... upvoted and resteemed

Resteemed and upvote

useful information greg

Same to you resteemit done..

Amazing post

reasteam done sir

Great Information Post 😊 Upvote and Resteemed 😊

right say

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

your best job for all of us appciriciate your give us good signals on market daiyl @marketreport

upvoted and resstem

Upvote and resteem

nice post upvoted and resteemed

Upvote and resteem

Upvoted and resteemed

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Two IMPORTANT points regarding that China story :

  1. Trump declared China as an economic aggressor.
  2. Gundlach and Gross both said there were EVIDENCE that China was halting their treasury buying.

Indeed, this story was not fake news. They're just reacting.

Regarding the dollar sell off, the markets are realizing that if China is out, who will buy those bonds? The FED will. Therefore, they will need to kill that dollar to buy this all up.

super post nice video sir

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Upvote and Resteemed done

Thank You Greg for telling it as it is. We need to hear it and be better informed.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

best work for your predtions on market with your videos and posts sir @reseemd

resteem and upvote

Thanks for the head-ups! Didn't know about the Bond market thing.
I'm pretty sure most Americans don't have any idea that China owes half of the country. Wondering where this China bashing and needeling (nice word you used) will lead us!

a nice video really


Be your own central bank, right Greg? Upvoted and Resteemed!

i like your efforts for good anylisis on market sir @upvote and @resteemd

There is a reason they push $15 hour minimum wage, inflation will be here soon.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

thanx sir for this always help of videos @upvote and @resteemd

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

you give me always true infromtaion and opinions thanx sir for this

wow amazing video this

Resteemed and upvote Mr Robin Hood

sir you are the best stock master i always appriciate your efforts on market @upvote and @resteemd

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

your anylesis on stock and market and predictions are always right and we always need its greg sir i also @resteemd

Reestemed and upvote sir. I was late to write a tape error. @marketreport

epic,epic,epic love it!

nice post..thanks..
upvote and resteemit done..

You make a very good point there Greg. I don't think that story came out just out of nowhere. Dollar is down today, yet meanwhile, in precious metals land...

Screen Shot 2018-01-11 at 11.10.00 AM.png

Upvoted and Resteemed!

Upvote and resteem sir thanks

Resteemed. Yeah, I don't get why Trump is taking all this credit from the stock market. If China were to do what you're saying, wouldn't it be a world of hurt for them as well? I mean, they have major debt problems of their own and rely on our economy to stay afloat. Am I way off here?

China has a big debt problem too and they will suffer by doing this. The only difference is that if they dump their bonds, the dollar will take a huge hit. Considering that most of their debt is US dollar dominated, it will be much cheaper for them to "pay it back".

Thank you sir for sharing
You always upload nice and helpful post. and your website also so much helpful sir....
Resteem done....

upvoted and resteemed.

Audit the fed

upvoted and resteemed! wake up people!

Great video greg, I believe in the end China will emerge as the new world superpower, cheers

Wow. Also am a Trump supporter also. I am in ZERO debt. A scary thing for our kids. Upvoted and resteemed.

Thank You, Gregory, Upvoted Resteemed. BYOCB.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I have been concerned about our USA debt all the while it was being multiplied! Wake up, people and prepare for that rainney day! Resteemed!

upvoted and resstem

Trump fan goes like: "But but but... Trump is playing 4d Chess? Right? Right.......... guys?"

Upvoted and resteemed

upvoted and resstem

I want a financial weapon.... yup
Thanx Gregory

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upvoted and resstem

really nice video I like it tnx for

mind touch video thx for

Resteem and upvote

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

upvote and resteem sir

I'm really looking forward to 2018..I can feel the excitement! Thanks for leading the way @marketreport

Amazing post

Greg, yes your are right yet again and we did upvote and resteem for all to see it, and we agree with you. big time,

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My thoughts - most wars begin as a financial conflict and escalate into a physical conflict from there. Agreed - China is making noise, but ultimately they don't want to escalate into a physical conflict any more than we do, and a financial war may hurt us more than them, but don't underestimate the damage it will do to them.

Nevertheless - a very good video from you again, as always. Keep up the good work.

Nice post my friend

upvoted and resstem

upvoted and resstem

Upvote and resteem sir good post

I'm really looking forward to 2018..I can feel the excitement! Thanks for leading the way @marketreport!

Nice post

It is great post .

Upvote and resteem

Upvoted & resteemed

this is great investigation, thanks.

upvoted and resteemed

thanks for this information..

you are great, thanks for this information..

dear sir this is awesome @resteemed

Great content i will be sure to checkout your website for more info but thanks for this informative video, and i also gave this a resteem

China is following the USA who has been using the US$ to start wars for at least 20 years now.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Upvoted and Resteemed... thank's for this this great knowledge!
Hillary did say China has been very smart didn't she? #Hillary4Prison

thanx sir for this resteemd

sorry for late . thanks for sharing @marketreport

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


Thank you so much my dear sir @marketreport for sharing today update. now #resteem & upvoted done.

boss @marketreport

upvoted and resteem

You've motivated me to buy some more silver.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

awesome informations post dear friends @marketreport
We have a lot of benefits in seeing these posts

You have presented your video well & i really like it .....

You are right ...

Hey @marketreport, the new Steamite users are always benefiting from your helpful posts.
There are many informative news from you.

Enough individuals think about the upset yield bend to influence the Fed to address it. Resteemed and upvoted.

Resteemed your post friend @marketreport

good work dear friend @mdsujon335

thanks for sharing your important video.we are benifit this video @marketreport

Great post resteemit done..

Decent standpoint, gold and silver are a store of riches that everybody should hold as protection against money debasements. The market is a bet right now . As normal upvoted and resteemed

Resteemed & Upvoted!
Great content as always Greg!

Without your videos I'd probably short this markets until my hands bleed.

reasteam done

reasteam done

Decent standpoint, gold and silver are a store of riches that everybody should hold as protection against money debasements. The market is a bet right now . As normal upvoted and resteemed

I think in future each bank will acknowledge digital money as a cash for business we should see seeking after the best continue sharing the data like this

Upvote and resteem

Upvote and resteem

What will be the benefit of this? I do not think so. It will harm us. comment and upvote complete. @marketreport

Wow! Great analysis @marketreport ! The US have moved themselves in a terrible situation and are now a Chinese debt slave.


i'm generally observe your post and dependably upvote and restreem your post @marketreport
How are you sir? I'm making new substance every day. If you don't mind observe on those and leave your profitable input. It will help me a considerable measure

I have one question for because your marketrepoter.

What are the main competitors of Ripple?

Thank you

Thank you for todays report!