The "CON" Continues.. Policy Of The Dumbed Down.. By Gregory Mannarino

in money •  5 years ago 

BREAKING TWEET.. Here we go again IN OUR FACE. The President attempting to con you into believing that by lowering rates and mass debt expansion HE will fix the current DEBT CRISIS. He wants you to believe this will work.. POLICY OF THE DUMBED DOWN..


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This fiat system, as well as all the others, was doomed to fail the day it was enacted. But it worked while it lasted. We are at a point where no one wants to admit they have lost confidence in the fiat.

It's F'N Disgusting Greg.
Borrow and get paid??????
Borrowing is so very good?????

This fucking Zionist Piece of Shit who works for the Jewish Bankers SOLD his fucking daughter to them and want the US sold off too? Mother Fucking PIECE OF SHIT!