The US Dollar Gets Slammed Again! As "Dollar Alternatives" Continue To Climb. By Gregory Mannarino.

in money •  8 years ago  (edited)

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Today the US dollar continues to lose value as investors worldwide seek alternatives.

I personally do not believe there is another analyst who has covered more accurately what has been happening to the US dollar as of late than myself, I am also here to tell you that the plunging dollar has nowhere else to go but lower as investors continue to dump it.

The US dollar is in a lot of trouble, and the Federal Reserve will not intervene to strengthen the dollar.
I can't stress this enough, SEEK DOLLAR ALTERNATIVES NOW!
This means gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and yes cryptocurrencies.

Related MarketReport Video. Click here:

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
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Great weekend for crypto currencies. Market looking very bullish. Today is a good day for precious metals. Gold above $1300 an ounce and silver around $17.47 an ounce. Dollar alternatives are looking strong.

The value of the dollar is falling off a cliff. The repercussions of this will be felt by all. You have been advising people to hold hard assets for many years Greg, and those who have listened and understand will be able to maintain purchasing power and in some cases can actually profit from this fall.



Haha 😂 That is so true! The problem is how many would put on there head phone and play Bob Marleys "Everythings gonna be alright"

. . . or Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy


"Be your own Central Banker" -Gregory Mannarino

If Dollar breaks 92 support, then we can expect another downfall. Bet against the Dollar seems as a right play.

Dollar to 88 soon

Run the dollar is falling!!! Like its an avalanche.

i have one question for you guys.what is more important for you money or time. think about it

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May I interest you in some wallpaper?
You have your choice of many presidents to display in your interior decor when the dollar dies. Just add a section to your home as a reminder of how stupid you were to keep those little pieces of paper. And now they are little worthless scraps that are too small to wipe your . But hey it was the American patriotic thing to do. Wake up folks and smell the debt. It is alive and reproducing. This is our grand children's inheritance or lack thee of. So you want to stay in the dollar for what reason??????

Becuz all things will be priced in dollars and even with the drop in the past few months it is still "less volatile" than the cryptos.

Looks like joejustjoe is about to get another anal tear and face ripped off ...this guy has some balls calling out others for bad calls...what a farking douchebag bagholder

Joejustjoe, how much gold stocks have you had the last 2 weeks? Oh what's that you been spewing to short gold miners.....well aren't you the dullest knife in the draw. Dumbfark!

I am more than brilliant thanks for participating
You really deserve success and I want to be like you and be happy if you followed me and I loved my publications love you

Good call!

Good morning

Been waiting for it.

Nice topic. thanks for your kind post

Thank you Greg for pounding this message home.

Its not all yellen's fault. Trump done nothing about tax reform. And not a beep out of him about rebuilding infrastructure. Trump and yellen together, are a marriage made in hell.

good informative...thanks

And their plan to crash fiat plods forth unperturbed...

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