Understanding WHY The Debt Cannot Ever Be Forgiven Or Eliminated. By Gregory Mannarino

in money •  5 years ago  (edited)


There are many who are calling for a "debt jubilee," debt forgiveness, ETC.. but what these people fail to understand in the slightest is this..

How would that work if the dollar is a unit of debt? You do not even own the dollars you hold. They are owned and owed back to the issuing central bank plus interest. If people really understood the central banking system, they would understand clearly that this cannot be done. The system is debt based, debt must be borrowed into existence in greater and greater amounts hence the Presidents calls for dramatic rate cuts an QE..

Central banking is a completely different animal, and the vast majority of people have ZERO idea of how it works.. Understand.. the more debt a central bank issues the stronger it becomes.. NEVER in the history of the world have central banks been stronger than they are today.. They are collectively stronger than the entire military arsenal of the USA. Moreover, calls for rate cuts and more QE will only make them stronger.

Gregory Mannarino

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Thanks again, Gregory. A "debt jubilee," free stuff, free lunch, money-tree are myths.

Rates are being held low because the debt can never be paid off, a normalized interest rate wuld cause debt repayments at over 1 Trillion in interest payments per year.

The United States Debt, (plus Interest) can and will, be Paid in Full...

August 22, 2019... 11.2 Hollywood Time...

May be paid in full with hyper-inflated currency, either default of inflate......Your choice

We're not going to Hyper-Inflate our Money...

We're going to Re-Value "our" Money and turn it into "Sound Money"...

August 22, 2019... 11.4 Hollywood Time...

August 22, 2019... 11.2 Hollywood Time...