UPDATES: 2007 Repeat? The Yield Curve Inversion IS Different This Time.. By Gregory Mannarino

in money •  6 years ago 


Gregory Mannarino

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Thanks again, Gregory. We survived another day.

Thanks for the video. I did check the US Department of the treasury site regarding the daily treasury yield curve and for Aug 26 they show both the 2 and 10 yield at 1.54. For your info.

I wish i could watch this video now.
Cause, i too feel that we are no longer in Kansas anymore.
Something's off. Something white and furry scampers past.

Much respect for you, Greg. Especially cutting ties with USA Watchdog - the zombies over there must comply with the zealous dogma.

Keep on culling!

He showed integrity by sticking to his principles of truth and honesty (unlike G. Hunter). Very admirable. Few honest ones left out there, unfortunately.

Gregoly. Did you really get it wrong. Or did you get it wrong for an experiment?


He has lost his credibility as an objective journalist. So I see that you are right to disassociate yourself with him (or at least his work).

In this video, you were referring to his recent guest - the rabbi charlatan Jonathan Cahn who in his video interview actually called former US President Harry Truman a savior and hero to Israel because he was the first to officially recognize the "state" of Israel in 1948 - which we know was stolen land by the Rothschilds through the Balfour Declaration with the help of the British.

But conveniently both Greg Hunter and that scum Cahn omitted to state was the fact that this very same Truman had decided to drop two nuclear bombs on Japan despite the war being over gruesomely killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

Top admirals and generals (including Eisenhower) had pleaded with him not to drop them but Truman ignored them.



Yes rabbi Cahn, please explain to this poor soul (and hundreds of thousands of others of God's creatures departed souls) why it was God's will to let Truman be the savior for Israel. What utter bullshit.

I tried to post two comments stating these facts on his website Usawatchdog.com but he CENSORED both of them! HE is NO BETTER than Google, Facebook, Twitter, and the Mainstream Media!

So, good job Greg in disassociating yourself with such a hypocrite. Your integrity is intact.