(VIDEO). Important Updates: Dollar, Stocks, Gold, Silver, Bonds. By Gregory Mannarino

in money •  8 years ago  (edited)

me smiling.png

In the video below I cover important updates with regard to the US dollar, stock market, gold, silver, bonds, more!

Gregory Mannarino @marketreport
me steem.png

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Great video as always. A lot of truth here. They're simply giving the folks who are awake a chance of a lifetime to acquire hard assets at bargain basement prices.

Why do people get so defensive towards the assets they hold? I just don't get it, you could just use your brain and shift your portfolio towards what makes sense.

Wish I'd bought shit loads of Steem a few days ago... 📈

it will go down again...think of markets like sea waves ..they come and go, crash and flow big or small...watch out for storms and tsunamis...u wanna be on higher ground...happy surfing :)

Yeah, I agree. But who knows when the next correction will be. I'm just buying more right now since I know Steem is going to go up in the future.

I know many are tired of hearing me say, get the silver, but get the silver.

That dollar, wether it is 100 or 1 is worth about .01 cents and thats only because the paper cost that much. Silver gold and crypto's , there is the future summed up. Great video my friend. Stack it high while its low

Great informative post Gregory, a quick question, can non US citizens join your website and/or newsletter? Would it be worth it? I do not actively trade the us stockmarket, however I think your early and accurate insights into the market would make it well worth it, keep up the great work.

Doesn't seem like this drop in the dollar is just the Fed manipulating it lower. It's more than that. Something is going on, and I find it best for me to not try to trade when I have no idea what is happening because it ends up biting me in the ass one way or the other.

This market can remain Irrational longer than my ex-wife can remain solvent.

Glad to see cryptos are coming back from the beating they took. Hope silver is ready to go up.

Hi Greg, as always you're right on the money on what you got to say. We all appreciate what you do, and I myself look forward everyday to see what your analysis is on everything. Keep up the GREAT job brother!! :C)

I think the value of the current dollar is zero and that value will come at some time but as long as you can have all the central banks of many countries using the dollar as their investment assets (US treasury) the $ will have some value.

Well it is just a piece of paper. It can get even lower...

dollar is toilet paper

Nice explanation sir i really appreciate your efforts you put into the steemit community this explanation helps all traders and investors to remain careful.

Dollar might rebound around 92, where is strong support, but if it gets lower than that, than I think the dollar will have epic fall.

Thanks for the update! Busy day for you... Need me some more crypto

I'm new to this site and so far it's great. Could someone tell me how to get into crypto? What do you buy (stock, symbol???) and how do you monitor it?

If you want to buy bitcoin via the U.S. equity markets you can do so via the ticker GBTC. It actually holds about 1.7 million coins I was told. I'm tracking the progress via my blog and just exited half my short position yesterday...but then upped that to a full short position later in the day. I also posted the price for "actual" bitcoin this time so that you can see how it actually follows the path being made by GBTC. Buying actual bitcoin has many inherent problems and the biggest one is that the buy and sell orders can't be matched up quickly enough by the data miners. Therefore, during fast market rallies or drops, although there may be 20000 buyers and sellers "willing" to match up and complete a transaction, only 7 of them actually get executed. This is why the coin exchanges all shut down during "fast market" conditions. With GBTC at least you know you will have your sell order executed within a few seconds during fast market conditions, although teh spread between the bid and asked price is often wide. So you might still end up with less than what you are happy with. But it still beats getting "trapped" and watching your sell order at bitcoin $2300 get executed $500 lower, which can happen trading actual bitcoin.

Great info!!! Vertical learning curve for me. Lots still to learn with cryptos.

Lots for everyone to learn. The problem is that anyone who already owns is about to learn teh hard way. :-) It's actually the best way to learn though. It's how I learned to monitor investor sentiment to predict price movement. Instead of throwing in teh towel after an ass kicking, try and study the price charts (using only the true "sentiment" readings like DMI, RSI, and OBV as I use on teh charts I post) and see if you can figger out what went wrong. Price movement is a direct function of human emotions. And human emotions swing between periods of extreme fear and greed. If you can learn to buy/sell ONLY at the extremes it is actually pretty difficult to put up consistant losing trades.

Into the futures we go hopefully we all own some of the tangibles ~ alternative Holdings to the dollar is the way to go at this point in the game...

All paper money is worthless and the Dollar is just the one that I have to deal with on a daily basis. I want the Dollar to breakdown below $90 and finally rove that it is worthless to those that are not paying attention.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The dollar is Trash get rid of it buy silver, gold anything that has a tangible value the dollar that we know now wont be the so get prepared take Trash Cash and turn it into treasure. @marketreport thanks for another great and informative update keep up that awesome work. Upvoted and Resteemed as usual.

Cheers Lion Master. Resteemed👍🏻

you will never be wrong about the dollar ha ha or about any currency whatsover...they want to kill national cutrencies...that's the plan...that's the end game!! I don't understand people that don't understand or maybe I do but am confident that no matter how low crypto gets it can never crash...the block chain is strong and frankly isthe only alternative to the elite lol if they ever make it...Soros is now being chased by Israel...who figured?...

Thank You Greg, I think your right about the dollar, msm wont even talk about China and Russia starting to use gold in there trade.

nice video,crypto is the future,

Things move ......

Good point you make about the dollah, Greg. Even if it bounces for 2 days like bitcoin just did...nobody will be able to say they were right about a dollar rally until at least a trend for a few days is established...like my call a few days back about how short term rates were going to drop via a rally in TiLT a Whirl >>> TLT. I'm glad Janet stops by your blog to see what I'm spewin. Yes, Janet, Peter Schiff is STILL going to "beg" you to QE4 to save him from his golden debacle, snookums :-)

Btw, I'm pretty confident I will continue to spot new "trends" that will take over long before they become "mainstream." How do you guys like my new hair style for instance?

I think Greg would absolutely ROCK this look. Think about it, Greg. :O


OK, so "maybe" we missed the turn whilst we were all concentrating on interest rates. Dollar still dropping so let's concentrate on that. We can do this, people! :O

Let's let the bitcoin rally "manifest" itself for another day or 2 before we all get excited...especially those who were looking to >>> "buy the pullback!" If I can get you guysn gals back to lows set on Sun, are you "actually" going to buy the pullback?!! :O Don't make me waste my time ifn ya's isn't intrusted. :-)

Greg could you tell us which are your favorite cryptos? :)

Any idea about when the crack up boom will happen?

It seems inevitable but is it something that can be timed at all?

Putting everything I can afford to into silver and cryptos but wild love to have some clue about the timing of this looming tsunami.

Fiat lower lower lower, stocks higher higher higher, crypto higher higher higher popcorn more more more :)

Oh, i forgot metals, commodities, food, popcorn higher higher higher :)

The nay sayers will see in due time Gregory.

Greg as usual you are right! ;-)

Even Iran now says that the US government is going to collapse in the not to distant future


The trend of the dollar might indicate that something is going to happen and they know it.

Peace and happy trading to all.

I've been holding silver and gold (especially silver) for quite some time but I'm losing hope that their market value will ever stop being suppressed and manipulated by the central banks and governments. Almost tempted to sell now before prices dive even further.

Yes, the dollar is going lower.

At the moment gold £ 952 oz up 6.19%
Silver £12.47 oz up 0.11%
There are some dumb people out there
Cheers mike

As for Cryptos I did buy some STEEM at $1 and a little below. I am hoping that STEEM keeps going up fro here.

I feel like there should be a second row underneath the call and put letting us know when and if you hedge! My 2 cents! Peace!

"Looks like" the upside target I gave you for DIS is going to prove to be spot on.

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Gregory another great post. Very few voices in the Stock Market Realm are recommending Gold & Silver to offset the dropping dollar to investors. I'm long Gold & Silver because this Monetary Ponzi Scheme is coming to an end.
Thank you.

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The dollar has been getting hammered for so long.
Seems like you have been right the whole time Greg.
Thanks for the update

Go steem! Glad I bought some a few days ago😂

Thank you for the video. Watched it this morning before the market open. I am looking at the Dollar up a bit, but she will come back down.

Anyone here heard of Clif High? he says silver is going to 600 this year

You forgot to add >>> "...and Clif said that back in March when silver was trading at 18.80...and getting ready to breakout!...according to Clif anyway." I'll add this >>> Still waiting, Clif! :-)